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Everything posted by dutch

  1. Sheffield is faaaaaaaar behind rest of the world as far as cycling is concerned. Its getting better now, slowly. Other first and third world countries already have cycling integrated for over 60 years. Bigger fines are needed for antisocial behavior of motorist towards cyclists. Any display of them taking out personal frustrations on cyclist should come with intense increased fines and points. There is not one country in the world where cyclists are being taxed or insured. Some people on this forum talk like they live on a far away planet not in touch with the world they live in.
  2. Most drivers are jealous at cyclist, cyclist are free and fit. No taxes engine problems, increasing fuel cost or big tickets, insurance. The verbal abuse only shows their own frustration. Sheffield is very much behind and underdeveloped as a cycling community. Too many hills makes it unpleasant to go uphill and too fast to go downhill safely. Only recently has it started to come along a little. Many main roads in poor condition for cycling. I used to make £100/day as cycling courier in toronto late 80's. That was fun summer and winter.
  3. If it is an unknown person/call 15 seconds to take matters in own hands and separate the bad ones from the ones you want to speak with. 1. What is this regarding? Answer will be a lie 2. What is our account number and amount of last payment? Answer will be a lie 3. Do we have a contract or agreement? Answer will be a lie 4. demand £100 payment for time and effort if they want me to do anything for them even confirm my name or address. Don't do business without contract or account so get lost and put phone down. After a while it gets better, we get few calls now. Don't let them question you, you ask the questions and then decide. Once a woman came to ask me questions at our door for survey but she gave us £20 in vouchers that we used at homebase. At least we got paid for it
  4. You get what you pay for. IKEA is cheap but it is made with bad materials and not made to last. Cannot withstand humidity and there are many products that will break, fall apart or get damaged by humidity, kids or other circumstances where an extra £20 elsewhere would have got you a lot further. Some products that don't matter but a lot of it has 50% or less lifespan.
  5. It is confirmed now, ASB is increasing in sheffield It has caused lots of trouble for people that had to leave their homes due to pestering, noise, harassment, crime and mistyblue even had to take medication to deal with the resulting stress. I have had ASB neighbours and it took 12 months and court to get rid of them 10 years ago. Has been fine on our street since then but certain that it is going to increase fast and worse in areas of lower income. Society, economy is sinking and it will hit those with small budgets hardest. People dropped the church, they stopped believing its for them. People drop society, they stop believing it is there for them. The false promises society and government make dont come true no more for many. New generations are coming and growing that will not listen to social laws no more. Society is just like the church and one day it will go down the drain. My answer is for people to find their true individual freedom and grow up in personal strenght. Sadly all these people dropping church and society gang together and start something new that is negative. They copy each other, imitate the gangs behaviour. Where they go is nothing better than were they came from. None of these gang member people is capable to make an intelligent new original statement or development. They repeat each other like parrots in languange and behaviour. Only way for one of them is to drop the gang and become a true free individual. Then a true and honest society can develop, not one of lies like we have now.
  6. He, police yorkshire is reducing 150 officers and crime is up 6%. 150 jobs gone. Lots of places are reducing and cutting. Nice day today, sunshine warmer weather and ripe blackberry's. Completely forgot about idiotic social expectations. Live is too beautiful to become a social mental idiot. Flowers and butterflies are more valuable than a government. mystyblue wrote: "We will be kind to all others We will be kind to animals and the planet we all share. We are all good at heart and we believe in our future." I totally agree with you. Have to ask you, why are you so nasty, judgmental to other humans behaving like animals when you will be kind to them and good at heart?
  7. Anyone seen movie "Harry Brown". He will solve it. Antisocial behaviour is going to increase and get worse and worse. It fills the gap that has been created by changes of modern society. What changes? Violent television. Advertising. Media encouraging unnatural egoistic behaviour on all sides. Computergames. Unemployment, what took 10 people can now be done by one with machine. Boredom, what used to take a hour in past can be done in 10 min now with modern developments. Church used to scare people and keep them social and imprissoned with lies and fear. People have dropped the church, thats very good but they have not yet found their own individual freedom yet. Still hoard together and imitate each other in gangs, scared to be alone as individual and really free for a happy life. The very soil of society has changed enourmesly. Entertainment, communication, expectations, religion. Anti Social Increase is a by product of this soil change. If anyone dont like it get a timemachine and go to the past. Law, gun to head mentality, lock them up, big fines. Be surprised, very surprised. Nature will find its ways to recreate balance when humans mess with it.
  8. Anti social behaviour can be very painfull. Thinking we are superiour and better than others and tell them by force how to think and live. To play with ones individual freedom is very dodgy ground. Especialy if the person in charge is angry and upset and thinks they are better and superiour.
  9. I know kids from upper class parents. They go to uni and buy a house when they are finished. Work is easy and they have all the connections. They drive and always complain they dont have enough. I know late 20's from middleclass people. They live together, work very hard, extra job on side to afford a car and cannot afford to buy a house, your basic right to live should be your own roof over your head not rented when you have full time job. This society has taken that basic right away of middle class with a car. I know lower class people, they pay double for gas on pay as you go gasmeter. Have to save money to get fish and chips for the children. Live without heat in dirty minimal circumstances. When these people work they will never rise above minimum slave labour oportunities. Work hard for lowest wages if it is available. Why bother? I will take anyone to meet these people that dont understand the meaning of class and equal opportunities and basic rights (car, own house when you work hard) that are not available to certain classes. You will not find these extreme british class frictions on the continent. There is rich and there is poor but everyone is treated more equal as a human being. A rich human, an antisocial human, a criminal human are all humans, the rest is secondary. Most UK people are not capable to see this. If they can see this they have risen to a higher level in awareness.
  10. Wake up to reality yourself. Wasting your life getting angry and upset. Reality is sunshine flowers birds and bees. Your hart full of love and leave idiots play their silly games while you have risen above it.
  11. Mistyblue you are very very angry and sound just as antisocial as the germans 1940. You are throwing fuel on the very fire that is too hot for you. Calm down, relax, if you want we can go for a walk by river or peak district and you will relax and forget about things we can rise above as an individual.
  12. Anti-social behaviour in Sheffield getting worse Lower class people get angry, upset. No equal oportunities, society is angry with them they are treated like criminals and become anti-social. Upper class people get angry, upset. They are robbed, punched, etc. They treat lower class like awfull criminals and take away oportunities to grow. It is a vicious circle, both sides keep it going Who's fault is this? Who is to blame? Who started this proces? When either lower or upper class look at the other they get angry and upset. The more force used makes the gap stronger. Prison and courts are not the answer.
  13. Bitain is an island and isolated from rest of the world. No experience and behind in some areas and strong in others but not connected with rest of world. (most cultures are like that but an island makes it easier) There is still a strong class system here. Very strong upper/lower class system that causes disconnection and a strong friction. That is why it is certain that the riots will repeat themselfes just like they happened in the past. Treat people with more love and respect, real respect not fake acting "as if" nonsense. Dont force them to do forced slave labour but help them and apreciate their effords and make a connection. Then they will become just as loving and understanding as things develop. You lot are hating and nasty to the other lower classe.You do it yourself. It is your fault this gap exist. And you blame them but take no responsebility you treat lower class like **** yourself and expect them to be nice. Work should be fun and pleasant. You lot are talking disgusting nonsense. Creating more hate and friction. It will only get worse and worse and worse when you force people to do things against their feelings. Freedom to develop should be the issue not moaning because you work and they dont. Encouragment, appreciation for effords when done, respect for input and creating a pleasant environment to do this with reward. You people attitude ceate your own problems. Yes my car has been broken in twice in peak district, he he he thats not a ghetto. There are drug dealers on my street who I know for 14 years used to play football on the street with them when they were children. Have been to court to evict noisy neighbours. Still am very happy and rather enjoy live to its fullest than cry cry cry.
  14. Live is beautifull,with or without estates. The sun shines the flowers are everywhere. Only misserable idiots grind their teeth and find something to moan about. These idiots are more stupid than what they talk about. Just the fact that you think you know it all and cant even live a happy live yourself. Treat people with more love and respect, they will treat you likewise People here talk about others like dirt and gangsters, they will be that if you want them to be, its your fault not theirs. You asked for it without knowing it!
  15. Anyone that cannot drive because of medical reason can get a bus pass. I cannot drive at the moment for medical reason and enjoy trains to leeds and then one bus with coastliner straight to whitby for a nice walk on the beach and a good fish chippie. My mom visiting from holland for a week gets in bus free because she looks 65+. She has a blue wallet and they think it is a pas. She wants to pay but they wave her through and refuse to look at it or spend time on it.
  16. Not enough action in her bedroom. Women like her not gonna dance with me.
  17. A smaller drill bit, hammer and chissel and work at the junction between few bricks. Easy to get 40 mm pipe through wall, dont worry. Make sure you know what you are doing, it does freeze sometimes and a little mistake plumbing and kitchen gets flooded.
  18. A good book in train/bus is a lot more fun than stop go in traffic. Even if it takes a little longer it can be lot more relaxing. 47/48 go right from station to northern general.
  19. That happened to me 1998. The fine has not changed 1p in 13 years. Only fine I ever had in 10 years then so did not really feel like complaining. It seems like a lot for a little thing. Politicians are selfish and this type of control creates more angre than respect. A little less would be just as good to make a point. They can come and look and fine people parking on double yellow rushhour. Thats a real problem here and causes real problems.
  20. 30 min= £1.00 3 to 4 hours=£8.50 4 hours=8 times 30 minutes If you park it 8 times 30 minutes you save 50p over leaving it in there for 4 hours They are not a full shilling
  21. scrapyard Easy cheap and you often cant tell the difference if it is same colour car. Only takes 10 minutes if you do it yourself.
  22. I was in edale sunday and my vodafone was 0% but orange was 100% Vodafone did not allow me to use orange but contract claims I can use other providers if no vodafone signal. They gonna get complaints etc. I always carry another cheap PAY of another company just in case and free wednesday cinema.
  23. I got pulled over when my MOT one week late. They were very kind, told me and gave me 10 days to sort it. Something wrong with plates and the alarm goes in their car.
  24. Take him out for a meal out. Let him know you love him
  25. If it was the motor I know what it was and solved that for 30.- They have a very very common problem.
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