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Everything posted by JamesR123

  1. Stop dodging the issue. Are people who don't (for whatever reason) help stop criminals as bad as the criminal themself? Also, I never said I wasn't a grass. Don't make accusations.
  2. If you can get an erection alone, the problem is likely to be mental rather than physical. Perhaps, after having been single for a bit, you are experiencing performance anxiety. My advice would be to take things slow. Pleasure her in bed via other means, perhaps you could ask her to use her hand or other body part and see if you can maintain your readiness then.
  3. Look on Amazon. They sell them for £10
  4. Strawman (as usual). I would not have a clear conscience, but I would not be as bad as the person actually targeting the pensioners. No it hasn't. The Police may have been on here during the course of an investigation. They do not monitor forums. That don't have the resource to investigate a large number of crimes, they certainly don't have enough to sit around on internet forums.
  5. No, I rejected a ridiculous claim made by you. You insulted me, so you made the derogatory remark. You also failed to spell the word "wally" correctly. Which is funny.
  6. You have an odd moral code then. Someone not actively trying to stop a crime (by calling the police), is as morally bad as the criminals themselves?
  7. They aren't equally culpable at all. Doesn't matter if you type in capitals or not.
  8. Lol you think that the police monitor internet forums?? You live in a dream world mate.
  9. I think Ireland are about as likely as Portugal to leave the UK. It would be sad to see Scotland go, they are a nice successful group of people. They add to our nation. I would not be happy to see the Welsh leave.
  10. It is odd that voting to stay in a trading block that discriminates against every majority non-whites country in the world isn't considered racist.
  11. Ecco Noob, may sound like strange question, but is one of your initials G? Not gonna say which one, but having reread what you wrote, you really remind me of a friend of a friend who I used to drink with 7 or 8 years ago. If the police had to take my phone, keep it for weeks and get access to everything, I would be less likely to report that crime. My phone is intrinsic to my professional and personal life. It has a great deal of very personal stuff on it. Having someone else go through it would leave me feeling uneasy
  12. You think the people who have to revise plans as time goes by are liars? His intention was to make Mexico pay for the wall (unless you have evidence to the contrary). He did not lie here Lol the two leaders are unlikely to actually make the deals themselves!
  13. I am fairly sure BoJo will have little impact on the laws of most African countries. I suppose he could ban the importation of trophies.
  14. As I explained, the rules of the referendum were made clear before the outset. Leave won. The country voted (remember we don't have compulsory voting) and leave beat remain. The fact you need this explaining to you is staggering. It is entirely accurate to say we voted to leave. I am a remainer, and was gutted when we lost.
  15. That's the problem with universal suffrage I'm afraid. The context was clear if you bothered to follow the conversation. Very clear. It did become confused because you deflected, asked a silly question and then set up a strawman. However I would imagine that most people had no problem following the conversation.
  16. No, but the question was put to the people and the people answered. Yes, some idiots didn't vote. But we all knew the rules. We voted leave.
  17. Unsure what you mean by that. Can you explain further please?
  18. The question was leave or not. Not what type of leave we do. We voted to leave, so leaving should be the priority, how we leave secondary. I hope we stay though.
  19. So women looking after children drops the rate of people working 50 years by half. Then you have to look at the men. In 1981, the percentage in employment was 80%, it briefly returned to that in 1990, but has been lower than 80 percent apart from that. Very few people will work 50 years.
  20. Retirement age is 67 in the UK. To work for 50 years one must work from their 17 birthday to their retirement day without break in employment. That means no unemployment at univeristy/college/training No time between employers No time off to raise kids I would say this probably applies to less than 10 percent of people.
  21. That's because you are highly intelligent and probably very good looking. None of those countries has a military worth talking about. If you have a conscription based army, they are (in my opinion) generally less well trained and motivated (they generally don't want to be there). In a war scenario, this can be overcome by sheer weight of numbers, but neither France nor the UK have the numbers of people to do that. However, that isn't really the topic we are discussing. What is your opinion on France's plans?
  22. Macron looks to have brought national service back to France. 16 year olds will do a mandatory 1 month placement to promote civic unity. There is a further 3 - 12 month optional placement after. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-europe-44625625 Give me opinions! I will go first because my opinion is likely to be the best one. It is a really good idea. The fact it is not necessarily linked to the military is good, because small population countries can't afford a non professional army (in terms of fitness to serve, not money). Bringing youngsters together, outside of their comfort zone and getting them working together for society is a wonderful idea.
  23. Drinking to excess is a problem to many men.
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