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Everything posted by montyzuma

  1. Off up there on Friday,some real bargains especially on meat,I can fill the freezer for £30 and it lasts us weeks before I have to go again.
  2. Crookes is becoming a tip as well, nobody seems to give a fig.
  3. They are begging for all to see,why are the police not arresting them.
  4. Its the weigh in for Kell Brooks world title defense against Jo Jo Dan.
  5. Thought he was still in Peter Athertons pocket.
  6. Couldn't agree more, some reyt snobs on this forum.
  7. I would have thought they are trout. but will be interested to see next time I'm in Rawson's.)
  8. Well done Danny Willett, being watching his progress all day, and to see off a quality field including Luke Donald in a prestige's event is a huge achievement.
  9. You would have missed it if you rely on msm, who's agenda was to smear him.
  10. It's easy to be critical of Griffin, but I will always commend him for doing his best to bring the publics attention ,to the evil of muslim paedophile gangs in northern towns, many who will joke and chide at his demise, have much to be thoroughly ashamed of.
  11. Kind of agree with that,with so much deep rooted corruption anyone who spoke out too loudly , could easily be corrupted too.
  12. According to Radio Sheffield news bulletin the EDL are meeting the Muslim community to discuss the child exploitation,what positives can we expect for such meeting?
  13. Don't like the man,but Griffin and Marlene Guest tried to expose Rotherhams problems ten years ago, this is a tweet from him yesterday ,should the authorities wait another ten years before exposing his claims? Nick Griffin ‏@nickjgriffinbnp 8h While it's good to see the exposure of the #RotherhamAbuse, the media should look at Keighley, Halifax & Blackburn. It's even worse there.
  14. Having listened at work to all the radio debates on the issue this week, I kept hearing the term 'we must shine a light' on , the police Commissioner,the local Council, the childrens services,and whats going wrong with the upbringing of these victims. But surely its time for the light to be very much shone, on what is going on in the communities where the perpetrators of live. And as for the leaders of our three big political parties,they should hang their heads in shame,its ok when mass immigration is making Alan Sugar or Phillip Green a few more millions but when it results in this weeks sickening findings they say nothing. Did any of our MPs call for the death penalty to be reintroduced or is that just wishful thinking.
  15. Nick Griffin doing owt these days,he seemed to get the Rotherham situation bang on 10 years ago.
  16. Hi,bit of a bump but can anyone tell me if Morrisons at Hillsborough still has a change machine and if the rate is still around 8%?
  17. The guy would have been in no place mentally for such considerations:sad RIP
  18. Don't let Cameron fool you,he loves all immigrants,all that public money going in to the pockets of his mega rich mates who are public landlords, its a complete scam.
  19. Well done Sheffield for having a much loved University
  20. They will have to start putting the pens on chains in all those betting shops soon:hihi:
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