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Everything posted by Naive

  1. I wonder whether we will see actions to back up the tough words.
  2. He has. About 15 minutes before you made your post. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/15/salisbury-poisoning-uk-us-germany-and-france-issue-joint-statement
  3. I wouldn’t call D Taxis. The drivers are all high on elev8.
  4. A simple google will show you that D Taxis does exist as a company.
  5. I wasn’t speaking on behalf of Shannon Matthews. I was expressing my own opinion. I don’t think that jokes about child abuse are very classy. Thanks for being offended on behalf of Shannon who may or may not have been offended by my post, or the card.
  6. Do you often laugh at the abuse of white working class kids?
  7. Like I said. Be careful where you put your elbows. Put the patches where you like
  8. I’ll have a sample on your desk by 9am, as long as I can locate my Quickfit apparatus. Just be careful where you put your elbows.
  9. Indeed. Now the Dolly Birds are gone, the fine, athletic specimens of manhood* are unable to throw mini spears in an entertaining way. * Is that ok for you Lev?
  10. And yet, Corbyn was the first person in the debate to ask for the expulsion of the incredibly wealthy friends of Putin and the seizing of their assets. That’s one policy that will hit his regime hard. You really should have a look at everything he said. A bit of his speech was dodgy, but mostly it made perfect sense. The Tories were the ones point scoring.
  11. Indeed. Mel, you need to study Dimple more closely. Hone your technique. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/national/police-shootings-2018/?utm_term=.8375a930712f
  12. I think that the members and supporters of BF were pretty much a minority group. I certainly don't want to be categorised alongside those knuckle draggers.
  13. There are certainly treaties that make it illegal to use them
  14. I don’t agree about the Shannon Matthews card. It is quite unpleasant really. Shannon hasn’t done anything wrong and doesn’t deserve to be the subject of such a card. Remember that she will be almost 20 now and very aware of the card. The others seem ok to me. In general, I’m not a fan of banning things.
  15. That is an excellent piece of comedic writing. Fantastic use of irony and contradiction to generate a thought-provoking piece of satire. You should submit it to the BBC and ask for a series. Just answer me this. As a passionate advocate of free speech, why do you spend most of your post suggesting that people with views that you don't like, should shut up and go away?
  16. Mock if you like, but Mars isn't called the Red Planet for nothing:)
  17. I tend to use social media and Youtube in addition to mainstream media. My phone has apps for The Grauniad, BBC, Telegraph, Huff Post and BuzzFeed. When stuff happens, that's where I go first. Then I go to Twitter, Facebook and YT for the stuff that the mainstream media filter out. Having said that, I've been watching a lot of Russia Today recently:D
  18. Number nine. Well done. I wonder if it crossed your mind that I chose my username to elicit just that response from unoriginal dullards. As I said, names can tell you a lot:wink: We can deal with the facts after we deal with the sock puppet.
  19. Not really. All of the “Ranjits” that I know are Indian and Sikh. Names are often a good indicator of religion. I don’t know any “Ramjits” at all. Maybe the creator of our much quoted friend pressed the wrong key as they invented him.
  20. What a mess of a post. You should have just said “No, I wasn’t there because I’m not a supporter any more. Just a follower on a screen”. That would do it.
  21. Ramjit is popular with a certain sub-section of the forum, isn’t he. Just saying.
  22. Was it a good game Poundy? Or were you yet another of the incapacitated Blades who couldn’t quite make this one?
  23. Hope you get better soon. You’ve got play off penalty shoot outs to watch. Just a shame your dad didn’t bring you up proper:D
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