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Everything posted by R_Kelly23

  1. I once read a story that when he was 18 he risked his life by running into a burning building coming out with 2 children resting on his left arm, one on his shoulder with a mickey mouse hat on, and a puppy licking his face in his other arm
  2. thatcher started all this off, and you lot voted for her you fools, and did not recycle that's why we are bitter against you the state of things you have left us, you deserve that clip on the back of the heels in tesco's
  3. god dammit! after a long hard day at the office I like to come home and have a good smoke, say 20 lambert and butler king size fags and 8 cans of skol while the grandkids come over, how selfish are they to do this!
  4. my mate "squeaky clean colin" has just left armely prison and is looking for a round in Sheffield to take on, any area that has a low amount of window cleaners?
  5. I have often been on a bus due to leave but this has been delayed due to the driver wanting to finish the sports section in his paper first...
  6. you should send this into take a break magazine
  7. seems like a lot of people leave out barbecues trapolines for these self employed work forces
  8. I work at a very busy nursery and I can tell you that I cant knock off when a nappy needs to be changed just because I fancy reading the sports section in the sun, its called doing my job!
  9. I remember once searching for a snake on that track, after going around it 3 times and drinking 3 red bulls I found it slithering past the 100m mark, so about half a mile long at a guess
  10. no doubt I will be waiting 30 mins for a bus at spring lane because the driver fancies an extra fag in town
  11. I like to take a Bombay bad boy pot noodle, a flask of hot water, a folk and 6 cans of morrisons value lager into the cinema
  12. I charge £2.80 small £3.50 large but I do not charge for sauces, also in that 27p cost you estimated does not include gas and the Tesco value oil I have to buy to cook the meat in
  13. although I do balance it out by spending £1 on 6 bread baps when I could get 10 for £1, quality is priceless I think
  14. local business man "blue ray" was attending to sell his wide range of bootleg dvd's.
  15. I always buy the Iceland 40 sausages for £1.99 for my café, always seem to go down well and profits are sky high
  16. I might invite them to play virtual washing machines on facebook
  17. worst ones have got to be mobile phone shops, you go in and wait to speak to someone about some small matter when they are selling someone a add on which means they can talk to their friends while they are on the bog that only costs an extra £100 a month, this can take between 45 minutes to 4 hours
  18. £50 a bag would be a fair price since most people on hollyoaks have got one
  19. maybe when they knock the markets down they could make a statue of him like Sheffield united have of Derek Dooley, a big iron alan in his referee kit pushing a big tub of pigs ears, or one of him in his man utd kit 20 foot tall looking over that end of town to scare away potential thief's, abit like a huge scarecrow
  20. im sure halibut and boyfriday will soon be along saying it is actually a white british transit van driver who is an active member of UKIP/EDL/BNP backed up by a genuine photo of Winston Churchill giving the Nazi salute to a boat load of Asians and africans
  21. what side was the clapping and chearing copper on? :confused:
  22. the woman in the picture is clearly giving the Nazi salute
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