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Everything posted by PRESLEY

  1. You know Im only pardon the Pun Joking with you.
  2. Thats ok your Bib will come in useful.
  3. Well not shaving is just lazyness and looks scruffy and puts years on a person. Washing and shaving spells hygene to me. Just my own personal opinion sorry if it offends some.
  4. Enlighten us all . What does CLEAN Shaven mean.
  5. The Clue is in the the Term, Clean Shaven. Its more hygenic been Clean shaven. My god Ive seen blokes having Breakfast in Cafe's and walking out with bits of egg and tomatoes hanging from em. I don't have a Beard because Im not hiding my GOOD LOOKS.
  6. Yes in the past changing a radio station or changing a CD as caused many fatal accidents . A good post.
  7. Guilty of none, too busy watching out for Chavs on Quads, and idiots riding around on silly motor bikes not wearing helmets, plus boy racers,
  8. Saw a woman today crouching to her left behind the wheel so she couldn't be using her phone whilst driving. Trouble was, her car was all over the place. What a Looney.
  9. If you were that Concearned why didn't you go and ask him what he was doing there. Usual practice for NOSY Parkers. My God I wish I had been the bloke in the Van and if you did approach me and asked what I was doing, you would have got a right Gob full. You would have walked away with Colliflowered Ears.
  10. Thanks for the Warning. Im out of here while goins good..
  11. Tomorrow is International Mens day but obviously Ladies first.
  12. Ive never been a big fan of this programme but now flogging a dead horse springs to mind. Should have killed this rubbish off after season 4. When runbish like Healey joined the cast. Bringing back people who were dead and buried to revive the show just doesn't work. They were gone and forgotten for a reason they were either crap or their sell by date had run out. Examples, Timothy Askwith, Cilla Black, Melvin Hayes from it aint half hot mom. See Ive even forgot his Surname. Loved Boycie but gone off him now. I bet this is definately the last series I will be suprised if goes another.
  13. This Country hasn't had a decent PM since Harlod Wilson. I never thought I would ever this! Espiaclly being a Labour Supporter, at the moment we have Dithering May and an incopetent fool Corbyn, so its a case of Hobsons choice sadly May is the better of the two for me. How sad these times are.
  14. Time to send in 007 (Connery) not that Girl Danniella Craig.
  15. Yeh Boris and Boris, you to me, me to you. Or every chance they might have hosted Im a Celebrity. Booted the two annoying twerps that are currently hosting it.
  16. Yes your right but one difference is, one Travels by Limo and the other probably on a Motorbike with no helmet. plus one of them is the Proud Owner of a Combe.
  17. The Russians probably think Boris is some type of Court Jester, he needs to stop talking how his hair looks, DAFT. How can anybody take seriously someone with a Mop like that. Boris get it sorted.
  18. Exactly , no matter what the Goverment do or say People will still eat more or less of what they want. I think its just the Goverment showing they are acting responsible or trying to Educate. I dont know.
  19. Correct. Like you say different versions from various animal stomachs. Pigs Cows ect.
  20. Castle Market butchers stalls sold it, Im sure the New Market on the Moore will sell it, I havn't been in there yet, I presume some of the same Butchers have moved to the new market.
  21. The Health Experts said Fish and Chips were the best meal going at one time or another, I agree oops and loads of Salt and Vinegar Nowt wrong wi Black Pudding, Tripe, and chitlin and bag.
  22. Sean Wallace another bad day at the Office, Its about time he gave it up as a bad job. He's always losing he's rubbish.
  23. Paul Hudson knew what weather was about to arrive this week so decides to take it off. it beats being a Clarvoyant. I bet he said sod it Ill let the Minions take the healm of Weather Forecsst this week and let them struggle through the harsh driving conditions while I stay in bed. What Boss.
  24. Home Security get a Dog or Anne Widicombe. The Latter of the two more Scary.
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