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Everything posted by Itrytoplease

  1. Cast by " H.Downs & Sons Ltd, of Huddersfield " and placed in Sheffield, the city of Steel? at least it was a British firm I suppose. 2001? is this the date it was erected, used to walk my dog all over those woods and never seen it, I'd like to bet I see it before the end of the week unless the scrap men have been.
  2. Wood machinists do they still exist? I did a five-year apprenticeship in wood machining, or at least I left school at 15 and worked as an apprentice's apprentice for 12 months until I started my apprenticeship proper. Going to college, initially on day release then changing this into block release. I acquired city and Guilds basic with credit, city and Guilds advanced with credit and did a bridge course for HNC, passing the construction exam also with credit. My question is, are there any wood machinists out there still. I mean, sole job is to machine timber using i.e. crosscut, rip saw, planer, mortiser and spindle moulding machine etc. Even in the early-70s joiners were being allowed to operate machines, 10 years later and the wood machinist was becoming a thing of the past, this, I felt was the demise of the wood machinist and like the Shepherd protecting his sheep, I got the flock out of there. I still keep my hand in now and again and would be grateful for some very part-time work, joking apart, are there any other would machinists left with five fingers on both hands. I had the privilege of joining AIMWT back in the 70s, who know what that stands for.
  3. Well I did do a check on the tickets to Lincoln, and it came up with just under £14.00, - so maybe it was me that got it mixed up, after all it was months ago and either way it really is beside the point - fares have very near tripled in a couple of years, if rail companies didn't have to pay so much for the franchise then the fares would be lower (one lives in hope and dies in despair). Just had my Water bill, £5.00 a month it's costing me for rain water (£15.00 a quarter) I only have three small gardens, Does a stately home with acres pay the same?
  4. I originally got my prices off the Internet, and the person in the ticket office/enquiries confirmed the price quoted on the Internet. There were cheaper fares to be had if one booked in advance, priced at four pounds, but you were very limited on what train you could use these tickets. I was also informed that there were no such thing as cheap day returns, £4.80 is something like what I remember paying, but I can't see that this will hold good today, but I will check it out,
  5. it seems only a couple of years ago that me and three mates used to travel of Sheffield to local market towns for a beer shopping and something to eat, places like Chesterfield, Mansfield, Doncaster and Lincoln, I can't remember any of the fares being over five pounds return, with the exception perhaps of Doncaster. I had reason to go to Lincoln some three or four months ago and the train company was asking £15 one-way, £30 return, they must be joking, no wonder we stopped going on our little jaunts. I had to go to Chesterfield two weeks ago, but this time I'd never even bothered with the railway, I caught the express bus from flat Street, which, when compared to the train was just as quick, and the bus station is better positioned for town. Cheap day return are a thing of the past, which must ultimately harm the local traders in towns and cities where day trippers are the norm, including Sheffield.
  6. As his mad on Thomas the Tank Engine. Why don't you make your own, I did this some years ago for a lad about the same age, using just three or four mini chocolate Swiss rolls for the carriages and engine and sticking licorice allsorts where appropriate, the round bobbly ones from the wheels. The black-and-white licorice for the funnel, etc. It really did look quite good, and he certainly enjoyed the chocolate Swiss roll part of it.AND IT'S CHEAP I'm sure this design must be online somewhere. ---------- Post added 03-06-2013 at 11:31 ---------- Images here - http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=train+cake+with+allsorts&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=O3CsUfq1I-yS0QXgtIDADQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDIQsAQ&biw=1102&bih=870
  7. Barking sponsored by Battersea dogs home Canning town sponsored by John west Cannon street sponsored by the Big gun Chancery Lane sponsored by the Bank of England The list goes on and on. Our rail system is the most expensive in Europe, if we had a fairer system of allocating routes there would be no need for the astronomical price rises we are currently facing. The government would have us believe that putting rail routes out to tender is the fairest way, this may be so, but it is also the most expensive way. If a company pays hundreds of millions, or even billions of pounds for a route it has no choice but to pass this cost on to the consumer, you and me. With the resulting high prices. I feel it's high time that the service industries are put back under government control, it's immoral that gas, electricity, water and transport companies make huge profits while the rest of us are paddling our canoes upstream and getting nowhere, we all need these companies and it's not as if we had much of a choice, sure. One can change companies but you are basically swapping one expensive company for another. What do other formers think?
  8. Going to our local bakery as a kid with 2d and coming back with a loaf of bread and 1/4p change (a farthing) Those days have gone, I mention the above because they changed and became the first super market in our part of the city. cost cutting seems to mean the cutting of manners as well. If you don't like it - go else where, seems to be the attitude nowadays. within the last 6 months I have come across 2 (two) people who did their jobs above and beyond what was needed, I didn't hesitate, but sent their companies an e/mail stating how good they were. congratulate where appropriate, condemn when necessary.
  9. What a sad discussion, my mother died while suffering for this, and it wasn't nice, I HAVE to believe this is gods way of helping those that are scared of dying, though the GATES, but it's those that are left behind that PAY. I'm 62 and I forget things at times, sometimes wobble a bit without having a drink, Scared in truth that I might be in the early stages (another thing - typing words back to front -sda instead of sad) I would want to be put out of my pain (mental pain is as bad, if not worse than physical pain) Ironic isn't it, those that can afford it can travel at get it done, those that are a bit short of money can't, yet the argument against it being made legal really stems from fear that you may be legally murdered by your relatives - ---For what, I aint got nowt.
  10. Taxi drivers better watch out then. agreed it is very far fetched but ............ ---------- Post added 01-06-2013 at 18:10 ---------- Come to think of it, I thought they had a test for Drugs with regards to driving, if it can't be done at the roadside and the officer was convinced the driver was intoxicated through drink or drugs he should have arrested the driver and took him to the police station for tests. I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS IN ANY SITUATION, I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF ALCOHOL WHEN IN CHARGE OF A CAR, BIKE, PRAM ETC. I DO NOT CONDON MISUSE OF THE LAW TO GET A CONVECTION EITHER,
  11. I had a lodger years ago, and charged £65.00 per week bed and breakfast only, it did not affect my benefit as they regarded the money I had coming in was equal to or less than the money the lodger was costing me. The council charged me £5.00 a week for the extra person living in the house, but re-paid it all when they realised the person concerned was NOT A RELATIVE (some £900.00 if I remember correctly) I had a visit from the council to explain the in's and out's of the "Bedroom tax" It was her suggestion that I take in a Lodger, so the council are not adverse to the situation (I'm still thinking about it BUT.....1 - don't need the money, 2 - need the aggro)
  12. A sign of the times afraid, everything has to be done online now despite the fact that telephone numbers are available. It all depends on whether your lodger is working or not, if not you need to write a letter for them to take to the DWP stating how much rent they are paying and what for i.e. bed-and-breakfast, full board. Your lodger will then have several hoops to jump through, form filling etc. It's some time ago now since I let property, but WH Smith used to sell a catchall tenancy agreement, they also used to sell rent books not sure if they still do. I really don't think you need a tenancy agreement for a lodger, but someone on here would put you right.
  13. absolute bull imagine this scenario, a police officer stopped the car, noticing the two photographs of children on the dashboard he suspects the driver of child abuse. He reports suspicions to the appropriate authorities who let slip the driver's name and address 12 hours later the drivers attacked and killed by vigilante group of well-meaning citizens who find out later that the photograph were of the drivers children. You can actually go on all day with various scenarios, this is the reason we need evidence/proof
  14. I believe it costs over 2 hundred quid to take the medical - so If he's skint he is, in a way Banned for life. If true this is despicable behaviour by the policeman/woman involved and I would seek legal advice.
  15. Well said, I knew I'd agree with you on something. I have done the same, for total strangers and never been let down, and will do again if asked. As for ****pig above, I think his name is to long, he/she has never been in need of a friend and would never last if conditions forced him/her out on the streets. compassion costs nowt. Government is the police, and the police are the government puppets - unsightly people swept off the streets of London today (No help offered) Sheffield tomorrow, where does it end? Disabled child - yuk - off you go to the not wanted ward, a ward that no one has ever come out of. If that's the country this "Great Britain " is becoming I don't think I want to be a part of it Sure, helping has cost me money, money I can ill afford to lose, but when I put my head on that pillow - I'm off, content that I have done the right thing. A friend (7 figure bank account & 79) once said to me, **** do what you think is right. Doesn't mater if in the end it turns out wrong - you will always know YOU did what you thought was RIGHT and will always be able to sleep.
  16. Without the honey BEE we are all DEAD, no two way's about it, I support any ban that MAY be causing these deaths, as we can't afford not to. Ban first, if it is found out later that neonicotinoid pesticides are not causing the problem we can at least re - licence them again, we can't re- licence the DEAD bees.
  17. It seem the government indoctrination of the masses has worked, "Disabled" no longer means Disabled it means "Con man/woman" I can find a theoretical job for everyone who is disabled (including myself) but the jobs are not there, and the companies will not spend the money adapting their offices to accommodate the disabled. I thought "Disabled" meant those less able than the general population. but apparently not. I liked an answer in an earlier thread that stated - GB will not be putting forward another team in the disabled Olympics as we no longer have any disabled people in this country. I'm lost for words as to what this country is coming to, thank god I'm not 16 again. The government deliberately setting one against the other. If it works, I think the government will wish it never started this "Divide and conquer" business as the outcome will be very violent, and who's to blame besides the "Spin Doctors" YOU, those that believe all this crap about - spongers (less than 0.5% of the budget) - plenty of jobs about ( look in at job centre computer, after page three (10 to a page) you'll find repeat jobs) the disabled are able to do any work. IDS want's to attack the pensions now - Tell Him, when he/they (MP's) stop claiming their expenses you may think about it. As I said divide an conquer - unemployed -first, Disabled - second, Pensioners now - Who's next.
  18. I'm claiming ESA but I still have to attend a "Back to work support group" every month and if I don't turn up I get sanctioned, true I don't have to sign on, but seeing as it's only once a fortnight I can't see that being a big problem for anyone.
  19. Like the OP I no longer drive, So I'm limited to places like Foxhouse. I'd be more than willing to contribute to petrol costs for a car share. I need to start getting out and about again. I Was also looking at Geocaching, which looks as though it could be fun, but the cost of a half decent off road GPS device is really holding me back, and despite intensive reading on the subject I'm still at a lose as to which one to buy.
  20. I'd love to join you, but without transport I can't get there, up hill would be slow for me but I reckon I could do it in 4hrs, how long do you expect to do it in, in other words are you running? or enjoying the walk. Used to walk Dartmoor years ago (letter boxing) 62 yoa Regards Phil ---------- Post added 27-04-2013 at 20:25 ---------- S9 - Prince of wales Rd
  21. Any phone call to the emergency services other than 999 are charged and always have been.
  22. I know what I like, and I buy what I like (if I can afford it) I'm not interested in Fashion. If something goes up on my walls I have to be able to appreciate it 24/7 not look at it and think - "well it's in vogue" I have 3 Brian Brogan water colours up on the walls, and a Peter Huckerby water colour (getting famous as a photographer nowadays) Both Sheffield Artists I believe, along with a few more - I don't look at them every day in detail, but when I do, I'm so amazed that someone can convey so many emotions with just a few strokes of a paint brush.
  23. I goggled the address you gave on facebook and it came up with Chesterfield, is this the right place? ---------- Post added 27-04-2013 at 19:21 ---------- just noticed the dates of the posts - 2011 - Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac)
  24. This is the one I bought just the other day,£25.00 from a stall opposite Argos, two complete units and usb charger, Just bought a different liquid as the first was a little bit rough for me, There Great, the longest I've been without a fag for forty odd years.
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