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Victor Meldrew

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About Victor Meldrew

  • Birthday 30/11/1959

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  • Location
    Peak District or Vittles
  • Interests
    Birdwatching, walking the streets of Sheffield
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  1. The trendy thing to do in Broomhill. Cawa Coffee have extended their cafe into the old HSBC bank next door.
  2. Unfortunately these are shark-infested waters nowadays Runningman 😬.
  3. Refreshingly positive article. However the author has stretched the facts to support the claim made in the title. She states ..... " ..... the greenest city centre in Great Britain, with a whopping 61% of its catchment area given over to parks, woodlands and gardens, including one-third of the Peak District National Park, with its exposed moors and scrubby heathland. " Surely the Peak District parts don't count as the "city centre".
  4. For anyone interested there is a good 'obituary' piece on The Free Jazz Collective web page https://www.freejazzblog.org/2023/12/tony-oxley-1938-2023.html. One of the comments says: "I studied drums under Tony Oxley for 2 years in Sheffield in the 60s before he left to move to London. He came with me and my parents and chose my Rogers drum kit for me. One day he arranged for me to play alongside Bunny Thompson (piano) and Gavin Bryars (bass) in his house on Abbeydale Road in Sheffield. After I got my kit he would come to my house each week to give me my lesson. My Dad used to take me to the Grapes pub in Sheffield to see his gigs there. On one occasion he toured alongside Ronnie Scott, Blossom Dearie, Ben Webster, Stan Tracy and others and personally introduced me to Ronnie Scott & Ben Webster (quite inspiring to a young teenager). Such sad news he’s left us. I have such great memories."
  5. Well Oli's lasted a matter of months. We're now back to plastic on the windows and a new sign telling us a Sushi bar is coming soon. I'm still missing Mick's breakfasts 😢
  6. This takes me back - way back. Pretty good for a Welsh band.
  7. For a shop that didn't let being flattened by German bombs put them out of business (or Covid lockdowns for that matter) it would be desperately sad if they now succumbed to whatever disease is plaguing the high street.
  8. Indeed. As one of the guests on the Jeremy Vine show said today - " it would have been far more effective to have added the Palestinian flag alongside the Israeli one".
  9. I lived on Ellesmere Road for a year (1979/80) when I was a student at the Uni. One of those now-demolished old terraced houses overlooking the steelworks. Never had any trouble and the local corner shops were great. The 'circular' bus stopped right outside and dropped me off at the Uni. As a keen birdwatcher I visited a few years ago to see Waxwings feeding on trees on Burngreave Green. The thing I always remember is me looking through my bins at birds flitting from tree to tree whilst in the background loads of guys were outside a mosque/community hall kneeling on their prayer mats. Really bizarre juxtaposition!
  10. Vittles in Broomhill is no more. Bit of a shock when we turned up the other day and they were clearing the place out. Was my favourite cafe in Sheffield as well. And that's shortly after Andrews folded ..... another place we frequented. 😢
  11. Thanks G, very useful. Just looked at the map. I think it was probably the Whitely Woods CSO as we were virtually standing on top of it. Apparently during 2022 there were 51 discharges from this CSO, for a total of 323.58 hours. Heard so much about this in the media recently but it really brings it home when you witness it first hand on a glorious spring day. FFS! 😠
  12. Does anyone know if there is a discharge pipe upstream of Endcliffe Park and if it is used regularly? Last Friday we were entering the park from Oakbrook Road and were suddenly hit by the stench coming from the brook. In settled, fine weather the water is normally crystal clear here but it was totally cloudy. When we got to the top pond in the park (which is fed by Porter Brook) we could see the line of cloudy water gradually spreading along. It was disgusting!
  13. Don't think that's going to happen - the Chinese are all coming here. Have you not noticed just how many Chinese faces there are in the city centre? And as for snooker, their top player Ding Junhui has settled here, setting up his own Snooker Academy in the city.
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