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Everything posted by Westieman

  1. Rampent what on earth are you drinking? - I'll have a pint of whatever it is LZ the finest and probably the most influencial Rockband ever - SP (they are unheard of outside UK you know? - they were a typical UK flirtation ) but heyho X Factor is popular too!! so what the hell do I know?
  2. Mick Mills now there's a name I well remember - a really top chap (you would never have imagined him as a boxer - no offence meant Mick ) worked with him on a Henry Boot Construction site in 80's at British Steel
  3. Alas these incidents are becoming more commonplace. I just give the steering wheel a full lock and drive the sods off the road - too much tolerance is unhealthy - give 'em what they want, fight fire with fire
  4. What a load of bull**** Tuppie - Brunts was the shop btw - HTH
  5. Anyone on here remember the Westfield sportshall and youth club??
  6. Helen Bartlam Barbara Taylor Marie Luke Sheila Williamson and the Freeman twins from the year above Now they were my good memories of Westfield
  7. Saw them or free in Hyde Park in 1969 - total bargain, but they were 2nd best to King Crimson - memories!!!
  8. I hate food critics especially the fellow with the false hairpiece - what a total fool Best 2 went through tonight tho'
  9. Food and service has been rather variable at the Mossbrook I have found - when its good it's good, but it's not always good, never had bad but have had below average - pleasant enough staff though and a nice place for a pint..
  10. I have seen the future - and it's not good Went to view the Comet closing down sale today - shop stripped bare, looks like the aftermath of a riot - very, very sad Talked to a few of the staff - future not good for them... I/We have contributed to this disaster by shopping on line for the best?!! deal - save a few quid?? - ripping the heart out of the community - soon there will be only Poundland and coffee shops on the block - and Amazon pays how much in tax??? Do you care? - I do!! and from now on I will be supporting local shops even if it costs me a tad more
  11. It's Handsworth for Chrissakes - do houses have actually value there?
  12. I remember him well - like Stringfellow not one of Sheffield's finest He used to run a 73 Green Ferrari 246 Dino. I recall he lived out in Grindleford and there was an 'incident' The handbag recollection - if true? - perfectly sums the bloke up
  13. Absolutely 100% - a grown?????? man shooting a squirrel or a magpie - how brave can you get
  14. You can choose who sits in the car with you - you never know who is next to you on the tram Tram travel is rather limited in its destinations too
  15. How dare you speed!! - the most heinous crime known to man They are raising funds for their Christmas bash now - be careful out there peeps
  16. Why don't folk get on with enjoying their own lives instead of trying to stop other folk enjoying theirs??? - it's generally because those folk don't actually have a life
  17. A question as important as this should be put before tomorrow night's BBC's Question Time panel
  18. There used to be a stag's head and antlers hanging on the wall - a mate tried to nick them once under his duffle coat but was apprehended on Eyre St and spent a night in Water Lane's best accomodation for his sins.
  19. I will def try to make this - sounds like a great cause mate
  20. Used to meet there on a Saturday night in the late 60's, early 70's - parked our scooters in the street at the rear - we even changed Sconny's Lambretta's clutch in the snug
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