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Everything posted by greenlandman

  1. the machines used in Sheffield where t.i.m. machines all the name meant was ticket issuing machine and on one man buses there was an electric drive instead of a handle to turn ,one thing to watch was leaving the 10p lever up so otherewise a 5p ticket became 15 pence If you don't notice It gets expensive to pay back,no excuse accepted . ---------- Post added 05-05-2017 at 20:49 ---------- I left the buses in 1989 and the 56 route ran from pond st (cbs) 10 mins up 10mins down and 20 minutes stack before next trip some times when you got to the Windsor pub ona hot day someone would have a free pint when you got there not supposed to but heyho.
  2. hi sorry only just seen your post , sorry to say Rowland did die in 1997 at the time they were living at grenoside but I'm sorry don't know what happened to Ivy .my mum and dad and I went on holiday fairly often down to devon or London if we were going in autumn Rowland was brilliant real nice man, they had an adopted son called Andrew who must be 60 now Meadow street was great even as a kid I enjoyed going with mum and dad when they went to work,also had an auntie who worked in the café a couple of doors away from the grocers think that's all I can tell you good luck. sorry to say Rowland did die in 1997 and yes he did marry Ivy they lived on Remington road parson cross when it was a nice area,they then bought a house on Stephen lane grenoside. My mum and dad often went away with them down to devon or London in the autumn he was a really great bloke nice to know they also had an adopted son called Andrew ,think that's all I can tell you good luck
  3. was fireman bills surname voyce seem to think it was at one time he was always on comical street regulating the 69 service to Rotherham .
  4. please not crumpets , the Sheffield word is pikelets name now destroyed by major company advertising
  5. don't know if its been on this thread but sorry to say Stevie Bell died last year he went downhill very fast here and then gone .we are getting less and less
  6. I remember as a kid my mum and dad worked at the grocers shop my dad was manager next door but one was wrays the butchers the manager was Roland Lee mum and dads best friend the whole community hung together never known any like it since.
  7. w ent to woodthorpe 1952 -62 I remember john frost mr sallis mr knight mr hazelwood and mr brook at the swimming pool also hated wally Webster had him as a teacher for two years was glad he left
  8. my mother always told me preston only had a proper fair every 20 years
  9. hi ella louise my wife would like to know if you are related cherabina pellegrina as my wife is related to her thanks
  10. I was reading a free newspaper in boston this weekend and there was a advert to remove builders brick rammel first time I have heard this for years.
  11. sorry to say it but I was very lucky, dad only hit me once and years later we could laugh at it . mam used to clip me regulary but I took no notice all in all I was very lucky I hated school much more than home especially one teacher but that's another story but my wife had the same drudge existence as many of your posters
  12. 96 died and the main fault lies with the hundreds of Liverpool fans who waited till the last minute to charge in to the ground knowing the police would open the gates to prevent a crush it was done on a regular basis on the last few minutes so drunks could get in before the kick off without paying . I have very little sympathy for the police but they cant win whatever they did also I had to take my daughter back to Liverpool that day you couldn't move on the woodhead for beercans on the road
  13. I remember years ago cars used to park in the car park near the the fence my mate and I used to hang the ornamental chains over the bumper bars so when some poor sod set off they left their bumper bar hanging on the chains sorry about that it sempt a good idea after about about 10 pints
  14. are you the pigeon that used to work at Greenland road as a driver
  15. yes they used tinned tomatoes I used to open about 100 large a10 tins every day plus linking polony and seeing to the skinless sausage
  16. I worked in what was called the sausage room men did all the butchery and sausage making and two conveyer of women weighed the sausage and linked them for packing at this time all the staff were issued with clogs with clog irons on the soles and heels evil till you got used to them then they were great to wear
  17. hi neil b sorry to hear about your dad stevie we used to go fishing together to walt bowers place on the Trent near Newark tell him its a housing estate and nature reserve now tell him its Ian Lee havnt been on the site a long time bit of a shock to find out about George Haddon has died him and Mick Hippkiss were always talking about fishing anyway thanks for the message
  18. my dad brought a japanese officers sword back from Malaya it belonged to the commanding officer of the town of taiping father was a driver for general and he gave the sword to my father and a note to let him bring it home he had to sell it for £100 when he was short of money and he didn't know I had been offered £1000 for it
  19. best you will get in Sheffield now is wateralls in the new market or on sale in various shops in sheffield:):)
  20. started at woodthorpe infants 1952 and left in april 1962 I was in walter websters class for two years he didn't like you if you didn't like sport I went from nearly top of class to next to bottom in one year . perhaps its better I never met him when I was a bus driver I would probably have hit him round the head his favourite way of hitting boys anyone there at the same time I would love to here from you
  21. yes it was a Tesco in the days when they piled it high and sold it cheap but those days are long gone the also had the safe in the front of the shop on full view it stopped all thoughts of robbery.
  22. was a busdriver from 1979-89 and the fare was 2p so at night we were babysitters for lots of troublecausing kids till we got fed up and kicked them off for vandalism
  23. i remember those steps from the wicker they seemed to go on forever i used to go to manchester on a regular basis to see our clarence so you know who it is speak to you soon
  24. ey up stevie will email u tonight thought my mind wasnt going alltogether about the army camp think it was an anti aircraft site
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