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Everything posted by dazzle66

  1. I've sent you a message with a contact number for a free quote for your asphalting work.Regards Darren. ---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 22:33 ---------- I've sent you a PM
  2. Hi try AH Surfacing & Building they've got a website and are on facebook aswell. They are based in Sheffield and have carried out asphalting work & building work for myself on numerous properties. Competitively priced,quality work and very easy to communicate with.
  3. Thank you for your positive feedback there are certainly good points in your advice that i will follow in my attempt to conclude this matter.
  4. The movement of the bridge deck is causing this pothole and ive heard its going to be addressed at the beginning of this new year,fingers crossed.
  5. Thanks for the info. ive got a couple of avenues to go down before i have to pursue it through the small claims court but i just wanted to resolve this with him a.s.a.p to get my car back on the road but hes just an arrogant piece of .... well!!! When its all sorted i will be naming and giving bad publicity in one way or another to this breakers yard that may potentially put future victims off doing business with him.
  6. The engine number wasn't on the receipt but he had put paint markings on the engine but when i took the engine back he said anyone could have put the markings on another engine and he wanted to see his engine in my car not working before he gave me my money back. My argument was how am i going to get a car not working to his garage down Attercliffe then remove his engine and then get my car all the way back to my garage at Stocksbridge.He originally told me to bring the engine back to him he did not say fitted in the car.He knows the engine is his but he does not want to give me my money back easily,dont you just love our foreign friends. He will not speak to the garage who fitted it as they have a video of the engine running with the awful noise its making and the coolant boiling over and a RAC report suggesting the head gasket has gone.I have recently found out this pakistani gentleman has done this trick before on other customers. i only purchased second hand as the turbo went and damaged my other engine and i need this car for work.Please be aware when dealing with these sort of con men as i wont make the same mistake again.
  7. Can anyone give me some information on a breakers yard not taking back a faulty engine ive purchased under their 30 day warranty. I recently bought a second hand engine from a breakers yard in sheffield that was advertised through ebay.I paid cash for the engine and got a receipt with it. Having had the engine fitted at a garage under tests the engine was deemed to be faulty. I took the engine back within the warranty period but the owner of the breakers yard said that the engine i took back was not the one i had purchased off him so he refused to give me my money back. He refused to speak to the guy who fitted the breakers yard engine into my car and refused to show me any log books or paper work that matched the number on the engine i had bought from him with any vehicles he had in his yard. He showed me the car the engine had apparently been taken out of in his yard, so i took all numbers off it then i did an HPI check and the hpi check indicated the engine i purchased from him was from a much older car than he said in his listing and that the hpi car in his yard which the engine had come from had done double the mileage that his listing has stated.So basically i believe that the engine he has sold me is not the one he has listed as it does not match upto the vehicle he has said it is out of. Can anyone direct me in anyway to get my money back under his warranty or how can i prove the engine is his if he wont match it up with a log book even though the engine has a number on it.Thanks
  8. Hi ring Alfred Dunhams in Dronfield (01246 413205) and you will probably pay around £50 delivered for 2 ton of hardcore depending where the delivery address is.
  9. my son was walking back fron westfield school about 7.00pm and heard a tram collide with a car near direct cars.He says he saw the car driver get out of the car and he seemed ok but the car looked a wreck.
  10. Hi, i dont mean to be nosey but ive always fancied going to the Monaco grand prix myself and just wondered out of curiosity how much it would cost for me and the wife and what is included in the 3 day trip thanks for any info Darren.
  11. The work recently being carried out on the Sheffield Parkway is maintenance work which is carried out every six months.Street lighting is checked and fixed,barrier repairs are carried out,grass and bushes are cut,drains are checked and cleaned out,bridges are surveyed and the c/way is inspected for defects as any potholes are repaired on the day and any other major road repairs are logged and repaired at the next six monthly closures.Its more cost effective to carry out all this work in one go and close sections of the parkway on different weekends to minimise disruption.It cannot be done during the week as the powers that be will not allow closures on the parkway before 9.30am and after 3.00pm which would not allow enough time to carry out all the work that requires doing as well as switching the traffic management over from nearside lane to outside lane. ---------- Post added 09-09-2014 at 21:00 ---------- That stretch of the parkway comes under Rotherham council to maintain
  12. Hi i would be willing to come and give you a quote from your plans. The quote would be a fixed price unless we came across anything that had not been forseen in the planning process where an extra price would be agreed before any work commences ie footings have to be deeper than original plans as ground is unsuitable at original planned depth or you change you mind on particular materials used. I work on site myself and only use qualified time served workmen. I have extentions you can view that we have built but they are mainly in the south of Sheffield ie Beighton,Sothall Mosborough. Where is your property you are planning to extend? If your interested in a free no obligation quote please feel free to contact me by text or calling Darren 07887385477.
  13. Its illegal to put anything on the public highway/verge.Report it to the enforcement officer in the town hall and he will request the home owner who put it there to remove it or he will request amey move it and they will charge the home owner.Any damage to vehicles or injury to pedestrians could possibly result in a claim against the home owner.
  14. Hi Kay1 how do you go about contacting the Financial Obudsman any numbers would be grateful as this business with swinton's is really eating away at me.Thank you
  15. Hi barts96 looking at your photo the so called manhole that you tripped over looks like it belongs to the utility services ie BT cover or an old YEB Electricity inspection cover so i imagine AMEY services will advise you to contact the relevant utility service as its not their apparatus.Most manhole/inspection covers in the footway or carriageway are owned and maintained by the utility services.
  16. They got the cancellation fee from the card details i set up the policy with.They threatend me with further action if the payment was stopped or cancelled at the bank.The fee/fine was for a direct debit they never set up and suggested i'd cancelled it when i cancelled my wife's car insurance, in some way they said it could be linked at the bank.The bank's reply was that even if it was linked, as both house and car insurance was from swinton's,they would both have there own refererance number.The bank have no details of a request from swinton's to set up a direct debit.Swinton's reply was that it was my fault because they could not contact me.If i had gone on holiday and my house had burnt down i would not have been covered as they still would have cancelled my policy because they could not contact me.Be warned they are a pain in the a--e.Nice people when there setting up your policy like talking to a brick wall when you have any problems.
  17. yes thats what i agreed to but when they went for the payment they coulndn't get it as they had not set up the direct debit so they cancelled the policy and charged me the cancellation fee as they couldn't get in touch with me to sort this out.My question is how can they cancel something that hasn't been set up properly through their own incompetence.Having visited the branch some of their staff could do with a course in customer care.I for sure will be not taking any more of my custom to swinton.Swinton charge one of the largest cancellation fees of all insurance companies and take a payment 8 weeks prior to your renewal insurance whether you renew or not then you have to claim it back.They may be cheap online but AVOID if you can because for the sake of a few £ more go to a bigger company.Customer service at woodhouse branch s--t.
  18. Hi could anyone give me advice on an insurance policy i've just taken out.I took out a new house insurance with swinton on the internet,paid deposit and sent natwest details for direct debit.Two weeks later received nasty letter informing me no money could be withdrawn from my account as the policy had been cancelled.I went to bank and was told by natwest that no diret debit mandate had been requested or set up.I was stung for £86 cancellation fee from swinton and had to set up another policy that was £6 per month dearer than my original policy and had to pay another £22 deposit to set it up.Natwest blaming swinton for not setting up the D/Debit and swinton not giving a s--t as long as they got their money.Really poor customer service from the staff in the office at Woodhouse.Any advice please on how to go about recovering my extra costs as i paid and passed on all my details required when setting up the policy.Thanks
  19. Hi, as a rough quote on your measurements i would guess around £12,000/£15,000 for your extention but a lot will depend on your specifications on your plans.Specifications from the building regulations change quite frequently so its only possible to give an exact quote once you have had your plans drawn.Also access to the area where the extention is going can be a factor as there could be extra labour costs if the footings are not accessible by excavating machinery and they have to be excavated by hand.For the extention (22x6) possibly around £20,000/£22,000 and the double storey £30,000/£35,000.Plans would possibly cost you around £700/£1000.Cheers Dazthebuilder
  20. I do beleive it is illegal to place large stones,wooden stakes own bollards etc on the council grass verge.If the highways get wind of this the resident at that property will receive a letter instructing them to remove the objects from the verge or the council will remove them and charge the resident for their time.The letter will come from the enforcement officer in the town hall.
  21. Hi,Amey the contractor who is going to carry out the road repairs to sheffield roads has stated that roughly 78% of roads and footpaths in sheffield will be repaired to a satisfactory standard for the first 5 yrs of this contract which will obviously cause major traffic congestion when it all kicks in.Nearly half of the trees will be taken out and new more appropriate trees planted as a lot of them are too big for the areas they are in at the moment.New street lights with white led latest technology lighting that dim themselves.Me personally cant wait for our new roads.
  22. The works are due to start end of August begining of September and the main core of the work is due to last for 5 yrs with a further 20 yrs of maintenance to the end of the contract.
  23. The guys that do the potholes are working for streetforce and are working from instructions from the highways department to do the potholes as a makesafe repair either from a safety inspection or a complaint from the public until the sub-contractors get round to the resurfacing programme of this particular road.This road has been in the programme of resurfacing work for a least 2yrs but because of budget cuts and safety scheme implications all the council has been able to do is keep it safe.Im sure once all the pfi work starts the sheffield public will be complaining about our roads actually getting repaired!!!!!
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