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Everything posted by D.A.C.S

  1. some people choose to ignore it though, if people really are in dire need and have no money that is all well and good but what is wrong is people choosing to give nothing or very little even though they could afford it
  2. How could you move out and not take your cat with you? or at leaat go back and try and find it!!
  3. Im one of the people that do a couple of laps of Rother Valley
  4. Like someone else has said the council needs to hand some fines out and then hopefully people will get the message, as a dog owner myself i find it absolutely disgusting that someone wouldn't clean up after their animal.
  5. Who actually owns the car park that they have blocked off? it has trolley bays for morrisons in it yet it is now blocked off
  6. We use the print factory at hillsborough he is very helpful. http://www.the-printroom.com/
  7. Sheffield usually gets left out, You only have to watch Look North to realise that!!! or look at the weather forecast maps on tv, we are nowhere to be seen!!
  8. Does mosborough music festival have a twitter page flashblade?
  9. there was a programme on channel 4 the other week about the very same subject
  10. check ebay, preloved, gumtree etc, maybe not now but in a couple of weeks. hope you get your bikes back
  11. There is already someone in Sheffield who does this http://www.sarahcoghlan.co.uk/
  12. We have a couple of customers on there and it seems a really nice area.
  13. Tell him for £55pppw you want a cleaner for 3 hours a week
  14. I can highly recommend Terri [Hardwick Hounds] in my opinion it is worth travelling when you find a good groomer
  15. Ebay have captured the market I dont see any competition for them in the forseeable future
  16. The people that uses us always say it is cleaning there old houses to hand back, i dont think some people like returning once they have moved out!!
  17. if you would both have a cleaner on the same day we could help you out, pm us your details and we would be happy to provide a quote, thanks
  18. No, people employ a cleaner because they want a cleaner i would imagine a naturist cleaner would be very off putting for some of my elderly clients
  19. Hi there, we would be happy to provide a quote for any work you require, thanks
  20. whats to stop people telling lies on their cv's? how many employers actually check that what is on them is actually factual?
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