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About Titian

  • Birthday 26/01/1972

Titian's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)



  1. I had a total thyroidectomy a few years ago and went straight onto levothyroxine. Ive been seeing a consultant at the hospital for nearly 4 years now, every 8 weeks, to try and help me get balanced and feel well. Hes been very supportive and ive tried various drugs one of which was armour thyroid that he ordered in from america for me. I have to say that after months on armour I had to admit that it made no difference at all and actually the stress of not knowing if it would arrive from the usa each time and then going to the hospital each time to collect it was a challenge. My cognition, vision, mood and memory have never been the same since my operation and im accepting they will never be. So now I take levothyxroxine and a number of minerals and vitamins and do the best I can to regulate my mood to try and be less bipolar than I have the default of being. Plus exercise and calm at times.
  2. Yes! I think there were 3 and they were a few minutes apart. Worrying.
  3. My little black cat didn't come home last night and was last seen on Albert Road about 5pm yesterday. He is male, all black, quite slinky looking, about 1 year old. He is microchipped. Please can you look in your sheds and check if he is locked in somewhere. Please message me if you have seen him. ---------- Post added 25-10-2014 at 20:01 ---------- Now found! He was locked in the neighbours shed all night
  4. I know exactly what you mean with your vision issues. It's a little like you don't see the whole picture? I have to say the new combination of medication hasn't changed that for me although it has made my mood improve... I think... I'm not sure if that would have changed anyway had I given things more of a chance. I'm hoping that my body learns to accept the medication and that things feel more normal over time, although I have no thyroid at all so totally rely on synthetics. This combination of therapy does work for some people though. Have you had your T3 levels tested? Ask for a referral to and endocrinologist and discuss it with them. Be prepared for a battle though.
  5. Day 5 into my T4/T3 combination therapy... no fog clearance yet but........ Jeez.....I'm wired!!! Lost my appetite too
  6. Has anyone had any issues with their T4 medication? I can't seem to shake the brain fog and vision issues even though my TSH is now optimal. I'm trying to be supported to try some additional T3 through my GP/Endo.
  7. Where did you find that information out? http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7284918&postcount=9
  8. you could look at the new Brantwood school. http://www.rmet.org.uk/brantwood/
  9. I'd be happy to join (although not if it becomes like some of the American forums where people seem to make a disability out of it or full time career out of talking about illness.). I have no thyroid at all after undergoing a total thyroidectomy 3 months ago for a multinodular goitre also with 3 large tumors (5cm, 6cm and 15cm in my chest). All turned out benign thankfully (never had biopsies - was asked and refused as I felt it was prodding around for no reason as they were going to operate anyway) I'm on 150mcg levothyroxine (just reduced from 175mcg's) So now I can breathe again! Currently TSH is too supressed at 0.11 so hoping it will increase with drug reduction and that my brain will function normally again. Taken up running and regular gym visits in order to keep weight off. Not sure i'd say it was like having a tooth removed though Huxley. I'm sure it may be different afterwards if you still have some natural thyroxine running around due to there being part of the gland left though.
  10. Brantwood School is to re-open in September 201 1 as a new independent residential and day school for some 50 children aged 7 to 19 with Special Educational Needs and a similar profile as in the RMET (Ruskin Mill Educational Trust) colleges. The curriculum Brantwood Specialist School will provide will be unique. It will be set in the context of Steiner’s educational insights and the National Curriculum will provide the framework for assessment. It will offer accredited qualifications, including GCSEs and NOCNs, BTECs and NVQs in workexperience placements. It will be coherent with the principles and practice underpinning other educational settings of Ruskin Mill Educational Trust which is a practical and therapeutic curriculum which has been highly successful. The plans are to start with a small number of pupils initially in September 2011 with a gradual build up of pupil numbers and staff after that. The school will also be registered as a children’s home as Brantwood will offer a range of residential provision. http://acctsheffield.org.uk/2010/12/16/brantwood-specialist-school-information-evening/ There will be more open evenings soon.
  11. You need to get in touch with Stan Shaw: http://www.mylearning.org/jpage.asp?jpageid=833&journeyid=117
  12. http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=270724&highlight=lantern
  13. Could they have been these: http://ap.culture.tpc.gov.tw/loadfile/New4178.jpg I have used them before, they are lovely.
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