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What would it take for you to have an affair?

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I might stray beyond my marital bed if my husband was a cold, selfish paraplegic and our gamekeeper looked like Sean Bean. (Or, um, maybe I just watch too much BBC. :roll:)



Seriously, I can't see myself ever having an affair. You should never say, "Never," I guess, but cheating is totally repugnant to me. I'd end one relationship before starting another.

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Surely there has to be an underlying issue for someone wanting to play away?


Maybe they just want a 'sex affair' Many people maybe quite content with everything they have (apart from the sex) :)


But this doesn't mean their whole relationship is a MESS :)


I know a few couples like this - before anyone starts accusing me ..of talking about myself :rolleyes:


..Mine is a mess ;)

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Mine is a mess ;)

Is it a mess that could be tidied up though?


I wouldn't ever suggest an affair as a solution to a relationship's problems. If you are genuinely unhappy, your partner is unhappy and the relationship is unfixable, having an affair will only cause extra heartache for both people.

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