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What would it take for you to have an affair?

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  • 1 year later...

100 percent never have and never would. Love mr coltsever too much. Even if was tempted wouldnt risk it. If the relationship is so bad you need to have an affair you shouldnt be in it in the first place! IMO of course. Mr Coltsever wouldnt either, am sure of it and if he did I wouldnt have a tit for tat affair just cos he had would hold my head up high and put it down to experience..... I hope!

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One million dollars :D


Now that is an interesting thought as we head into recession.


Indecent Proposal..


A young couple very much in love are married and have started their respective careers, she as a real estate broker, he as an architect. She finds the perfect spot to build his dream house, and they get loans to finance it. When the recession hits, they stand to lose everything they own, so they go to Vegas to have one shot at winning the money they need. After losing at the tables, they are approached by a millionaire who offers them a million dollars for a night with the wife. Though the couple agrees that this is a way out of their financial dilemma, it threatens to destroy their relationship.

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What a very strange thread.

I suppose it depends exactly what people mean by an affair.

Quoting Websters..


affair..A romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration : liaison 2b b: a matter occasioning public anxiety, controversy, or scandal.




I would have thought everyone would have had one of those. Well at least the first one.


If people consider an affair as having sex with a third party whilst married then the comments are understandable, but there are so many situations in between.


I am unmarried, but have moved in with a married man who is going through a divorce. I consider that quite legitimate and not at all grubby.

However I certainly would not have put myself in the position of having a relationship if the marriage had not already collapsed.

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Ive been cheated on and its the worse feeling ever, so i didnt it back. didnt make me feel any better made me feel like a peice of crap off the floor. made it worse it was his best friend. (ouch). thats along time ago and we not together anymore. suprised? If my OH cheated on me now i would kick him out of our house and leave him with nothing and i mean nothing. same as i would expect if i had done the same. i would never put myself through cheating just coz he did. but if ur in love like we are it will never happen. (dont everybody puke at once) lol :)

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