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To night I start treatment for prostrate cancer , I have decided to record my experiences over the coming months , I am doing this because it may help other who are in similar circumstance a.   I also  do not want any sympathy or hand wringing  due to my illness , This started over  12 months ago when I visited the Dr's in  the North Sheffield area where I live, they took some convincing  that I should be tested as they said I had been  tested just 12 months before but i insisted  and a problem was  diagnosed  .

Eventually I ended up at the Hallamshire Hospital and was  put on giant scanning machine , the results of that scan confirmed what I had already suspected this being prostate cancer . I was informed that the cancer is of  an  aggressive type although it may be years before it spread and caused me  serious problems , I was told to think about treatment or due to my age to decide to leave things as they were . 


I asked around , talked to many people ,       without fail they all said "go for it " fight the bloody thing and keep positive .

So as started tonight (just now I have taken the first drug (Bicalutamide 50 mg)  this is first of 28 tablets of which the info sheet informs me of all sorts of nasty little side effects that may or may not happen during the coming months .  Hair loss, blood in urine , constipation , ****es ,  dizzyness, tiredness , and so on being just a few .


When the drug course finishes I believe that the next step is radiotherapy at Western Park  ,this will apparently last  for  a few weeks  and include 5 days a week visits .


Any  way the whole point of this blog is to record my  treatment  and hope to compare with other as the Big C seems to be  not talked about  at any length on forums  etc .   so  , feel free to join in ,ask Questions give advice and most important if you think there is a  problem ,insist on seeing a Doctor and do not take no for a answer .

Day  one up and running .

Edited by Leo Tomlinson
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Best wishes Leo. My husband  has been under the care of Weston Park Hospital for many years. They are second to none and we feel incredibly lucky that whatever happens they never give up on him. You sound as though you're going into it with a positive attitude and I think that makes a lot of difference. 

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I kept a diary of my treatments at the Weston park hospital and later, I wrote about the treatments and the effects it had on me. I had faith in my doctors from the start and was always upbeat about my illness. Keep thinking positive and trust your doctors, they will do everything in their power to help you. I was 80 when I was diagnosed and after nearly 5 years things are still looking good. Mine is lung cancer.

Edited by Kidorry
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On 31/01/2021 at 12:09, MEC176 said:

I’m 69 my experience not pulling punch’s.
Every man should know what your Prostrate does it is a stop tap for peeing it produces fluid for your reproductive system so after feeling tired with leg and lower back ache and a sex life that was excruciatingly painful because my Prostrate was killing me I had the finger test, which is not half as bad as people make out, after a biopsy I was diagnose at the Hallamshire Urology with Prostrate cancer in November 2012 opperated on in January 2013 not really given a choice on the scale of 1 good and 10 bad I was 9 they had me in as quick as that five hours in surgery, before it could spread to my Lymph glands then the rest of me if not there was a good chance I would have been dead in five years may be less.
 Down side because they took away my Lymph glands from there I developed lymphedema , the build-up of waste fluid which the body normally gets rid of, swelling in my legs but over the years this has settled down now they just ache after walking for a long time. I went back for six weeks of Radio therapy at Weston Park just as a precaution to mop up anything missed I now have a PSA level of 0.0003 which is good and six monthly check up’s, the only really down side is they took away muscles that give you an erection or anything to get hold of when going for a pee, can be messy if you’re not quick enough and hence the sex life is practically none existent but they do have a department to help with that and when you need to go you need to go because the stop taps not there but what’s the worst no sex life or not being here for my family when they need you.
 If your dought full about what to do go and talk to your Doctor or the Macmillan nurses they are very good kind and listen and don’t be a whoose about the finger test because you think it will not happen to me it is a silent killer. 

Hello Leo, above is what I wrote a while ago I am now 70 and still here thanks to Weston Park and the Hallamshire, my cancer has gone up to stage four and  has spread to my bones so I am on Hormone treatment I get tired, ache when I do job's in the house, the hormone treat ment

has brought my PSA down to 0.0001 nealy none existent.

If you did not know we, men, produce testosterone cancer feeds on testosterone the Hormone treatment kills testosterone so the Cancer has nothing to feed on so it is kept in check.  I was told this last year when my situation changed some day's I feel crap but it has added on another five years to my life.      You may be going through some rough time's just trust Weston Park.




"Is it a trick clock... or a trick potato?"a

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Good luck and stay strong.


My wife (65 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer just over a year ago but after a year including chemotherapy, surgery (only removal of a small tumour fortunately), radiology, hair falling out, being permanently tired and nauseous etc the prognosis is for a full recovery.

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