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7 minutes ago, JamesR123 said:

Unsure what you mean by that.  Can you explain further please?

Top Cats Hat has a little party trick when adding up the votes in the 2016 democratic EU referendum vote. He counts up all the people who didn't vote, all the people who were not eligible to vote and adds all those numbers to the Remain vote which makes Remain and not Leave the winner of the democratic 2016 EU referendum.   Unfortunately for Top Cats Hat the electoral commission decided to go down the traditional route when adding up the votes and only counted votes placed in the ballot boxes around the UK. 

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29 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

So you agree that ‘we’, as in a majority of UK citizens DID NOT vote to leave the EU? 

But we don't know do we.  Maybe all those who didn't vote were so convinced by Project Fear that the actual result was going to be a win for the remain camp that they thought, "Well my single leave vote isn't going to make any difference, is it, so I'll not bother." 


3 plus years on & were still discussing this & second guessing about how  those lazy arses who were entitled to vote but didn't, (but moan at the result), might have voted. 


At the end of the day, even without the lazy arses, the EU referendum was still the biggest democratic vote ever undertaken in the UK & should be respected as such. 

Edited by Baron99
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45 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

So you agree that ‘we’, as in a majority of UK citizens DID NOT vote to leave the EU? 

No, but the question was put to the people and the people answered.


Yes, some idiots didn't vote.  But we all knew the rules.


We voted leave.


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