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Morissey - once brilliant, now revealed a total jackass..


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Always had Morrisey down for a pretentious middle class tosser.


Does coming from a working class Irish background in Manchester, now make you a 'middle class tosser?'


Better add Liam* and Noel Gallagher to the list then.


(*yes, we all know Liam Gallagher is a tosser but I wouldn't call him middle class)

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Does coming from a working class Irish background in Manchester, now make you a 'middle class tosser?'


Ah, but a great deal of what once was the working class now consider themselves to be middle class especially when they have some cash and/or bought a house. A lot of working class young adults now go to university and although from working class families no longer see themselves as working class.

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yeah same here, sort of, pretentious yes, not sure of middle class back then? he was a member of Ed banger and the nosebleeds for a bit before the smiths and was also the fanclub runner of a punk band, name evades me at the minute



Glam punks, the New York Dolls.

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Class isn't self defined, it is defined by society.


I agree. However society itself has changed the goalposts so some of the very people once defined as working class have now moved up a notch because of wealth and possession.

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Huge fan of his music and lyrics having followed him since the smiths, I have nearly all his material and have seen him live.


However for years I have had doubts about the man himself.


He has had an obsession with skinheads and far right politics (remember national front disco) for a long time.


It now appears its not just an interest but he supports their policies.


Really sad and not sure I would pay to see him again.

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Really sad and not sure I would pay to see him again.


I think that's why his tour has been cancelled.


Most of his fans are like you, people who actually listen and think about things. When he comes out with nonsense like 'Tommy Robinson's treatment has been shocking!', they don't think 'Oh yeah, he has a point', they think 'why is he supporting a no-marks racist idiot who stands for everything that I don't?'


Bigmouth strikes again, and maybe for the last time.

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I think that's why his tour has been cancelled.


Most of his fans are like you, people who actually listen and think about things. When he comes out with nonsense like 'Tommy Robinson's treatment has been shocking!', they don't think 'Oh yeah, he has a point', they think 'why is he supporting a no-marks racist idiot who stands for everything that I don't?'


Bigmouth strikes again, and maybe for the last time.


That's also down to the age of the punters going to see mozzer- they're all probably of a certain age and dont really want the moral dilemma, middle age folk have enough on our plates.


Kanye West comes out with some right guff but he still sells records.

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