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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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Guest makapaka
You didn't ask for an opinion about that.


"if you ask him how that benefits/ disadvantages either sex they can’t answer."


You keep asking questions that can be answered yourself if you'd bother to do a little research. These aren't things that require my opinion, they have actual answers. That's why I keep posting you links to the facts.


I did - post #916.

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From reading some of the more recent posts...


It would seem that women are either stupid/naïve for getting in to porn, or they know exactly what they're doing.


If exploitation is so rife in porn, and it is supposedly so well known, why would a woman knowingly go in to an industry where they know they will be exploited?


Many of the female porn actresses go on to produce, direct and even create their own companies. They also support many newcomers.


The other side of the coin is, the exploitation isn't so rife, save for a few extreme cases, and the women going in to are strong, independent women who don't need 'white knights' claiming things on their behalf.


The porn industry has been cleaned up in recent years where testing for STDs and background checks has become mandatory in the majority companies. Statistically, the actresses are paid more than the actors in most cases, and with women also watching porn, it doesn't really seem such the male-dominated world it once was.


Likewise with lapdancing establishments. In the better establishments the girls are safe, there's generally a no touch policy where if you touch a girl you get warned or thrown out. Many of them are using it to fund their education in college/uni where they can earn in one night what another student may earn in a week behind a bar which is potentially less safe.


Obviously there are dodgier establishments which aren't as regulated, but for the most part, it's good, clean, safe fun.

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stupid/naive or desperate (or they do it eyes open and with understanding). I'm sure all 4 states exist to some extent.


I'm aware that their will be companies/establishments with less than appropriate safety measures in place for their workers, but that's the same for any kind of employment.


Prostitution is obviously different to lapdancing and porn as that is often through desperation. That's mainly why i think it should be legalised and regulated... but that's a topic for another thread.

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The gender binary is so entrenched, it can be difficult to get your head around a person who identifies as neither male or female. It is a new concept to a lot of people, I know I found it a little strange at first, but I am getting used to the idea now.

Much of gender and what it means to identify as male or female is socially constructed. Yes, there are biological constraints, as someone said above, a cis man (a person born male) cannot give birth to a child in the same way a cis woman can.

I think children should be free to explore their world and identity and not be limited by their sex e.g. boys can't play with dolls or wear dresses - why can't they?


Does a boy wearing a dress give any indication to what they choose as a gender? I doubt it. I used to feel nauseous at the site of dresses when I was a young girl and now I love them. I wasn't confused, I just preferred trousers. I think if someone had started observing me in the thoughts I was 'the wrong gender then I would have been bloody confused. If a lad wants to wear a dress or play with a doll it's not really an issue I don't think, until the adults make it one. Like you say, let them be kids that explore.

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Just watched This Morning on the telly. Gender Fluid was discussed with two guests. Man one day, female the next, just swap around at will. I don't particularly care what the two adults do, live and let live. What really worries me is the child they have, I foresee a torrid time at school for him as they are allowing him at home to be gender fluid.


How would it work at school, one day a girl, next day a boy. Which toilet would be used. I can see the answer I think, Boy, Girl and Fluid. It's quite complicated.




Do you really think a school-age person would think in these terms, I do realise that some may need to be considered in a different gender, but gender fluid really: One of the most outspoken person on the subject is Eddie Izzard, but was he so at school? The danger is that outspoken people such as Eddie Izzard may be trying to set a trend that he did not go through at school.

Edited by phil752
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I know it is a difficult subject and I would always treat someone the way they wanted to be treated. By which I mean respect the sex they identified as.


But in my heart I don't think you can change gender or sex. Thinking you are a different sex, born in the wrong body, is a mental illness that needs treatment and not patronising.


That may seem harsh, but I don't write it with any malice, but it's what I think.

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