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ads36 last won the day on August 9 2023

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  1. Headliner : Sleaford Mods - with set design by Coldwar Steve.
  2. i did wonder if this rubbish would turn up here, - and of course it has. just pretend for a moment, that a labour politician had attacked a conservative for wanting to celebrate Shabbat with his/her Jewish family. and since when was 6pm an 'early finish' for a Friday?
  3. possibly? Dairy farming requires huge amounts of deforestation (releasing CO2), the cows themselves release huge amounts of methane - which is worse than CO2. A billion (or thereabouts) westerners get the benefit of Dairy farming (we do like milk and cheese), while a few billion (or thereabouts) people in ... 'Asia' are some of the first to suffer from the effects of climate change - driven by CO2 - to which dairy farming is a significant contributor. it's something to mull over while i enjoy this cheese sandwich, sitting in my air-conditioned office.
  4. it's flour, it'll wash off. still a bunch of pillocks though.
  5. it went out ages ago, and a contractor was ... contracted. But they got a bit cheeky with the post-contract cost amendments, so the council called their bluff and started the tender process again. A) at least, that's what i heard on the construction-industry grapevine. B) this is *exactly* the kind of hard-nosed decision making i want from my council - well done!
  6. better public transport is a policy to stimulate growth. better child care is a policy to stimulate growth. pragmatic engagement with the EU would be a policy to stimulate growth. etc.
  7. i know a few people who live there. They don't own cars. Why would they? - they walk/cycle to work, they live next to a tram stop and railway station. not owning a car saves them at least £4000/year - which covers a lot of car hire should they need it.
  8. last month, msWife and I took her parents on holiday - we went on a cycling holiday in Austria. They're 70+, Austria is famous for it's *actual* mountains, yet they happily covered more than 200km during the week. (typically climbing around 500m per day) but go on and tell us how our small hills make cycling impossible...
  9. that's me! i walked up Fargate, on ... Monday? - and one of the bins has gone in - and i *am* quite excited about it! (took a photo - my wife wasn't as excited as i thought she'd be when i got home to show her)
  10. you just know, that when you see the word 'encourage', the project won't work. we don't need 'encouragement' to walk or cycle more, we need better infrastructure. What's the point of more bikes if there aren't safe, connected routes near where people live? We went to the Cambridge St food hall at the weekend, we didn't even discuss cycling to the city centre - because there isn't a decent route for us to use. (last week, on holiday, we rode 300km in Austria - because they have good cycle routes). i'm unfashionably libertarian at times: don't waste time telling us what to do - we're not listening. Give us genuine options and let us figure it out for ourselves.
  11. we went for lunch on Friday: lots of choice, lots of people. I had some kind of Eritrean (?) lamb curry - delicious! a couple of the vendors were still setting up, we will go back! (i would have liked to see more local beers available, i'm hoping that will come with time)
  12. he's got a point. people who moan about a few quid for parking will also tell us (with a straight face), that they're the kind of big spenders that the city needs to attract.
  13. fantastic news, thanks for sharing! well done to everyone involved.
  14. personally, i'd be comfortable if a charge of manslaughter was on the table. but let's be proportional : the case in question was nearly 2 years ago. (23 months) in that time, car drivers have killed ... more than three thousand people.
  15. i think i know this one! (i have friends who work in the construction industry, and they communicate, inter-company, via some kind of hive-mind) the initial estimate/tender said £Xmillion (?) when it came time to start signing contracts, the construction company said 'did we say £Xmillion? - we've had another look at it, and now it's X+50% - we assume that won't be a problem?' so SCC told them that yes, it was going to be a problem, so it had to be re-scoped, and put back out to tender... it seems to me that's exactly how we want SCC to behave when a contractor plays that kind of game.... (low-ball the tender, then ramp it up just before closing the contract, in the hope that the impending deadlines help force the issue)
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