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Morgan v Robinson

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Who "won" the breakfast TV interview Morgan or Robinson. It descended into a shout farce for the last 10 minutes, not helped by the Lady presenter trying to get her oar into the water by shouting at them both.


As piece of TV viewing it did not accomplish much, other than Morgan doing his best to assassinate Robinson's views on Islam. If you invite people like Robinson onto main stream telly, at least let them have their say - then attack them if necessary. It's not rocket science is it.



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Didn't see the beginning of the interview. They should be allowed to have their say when they have been asked to appear on TV, then attack their views when they have finished talking. I don't know how the interview started but all I could hear was Morgan butting in every time Robinson was trying to explain something.

Didn't something similar happen when Nick Griffin, then leader of the BNP, was

on Question Time? If I remember the panel and audience, also the location was chosen vey carefully so he was unable to say what he wanted.

Whether you agree with their views or not let them finish talking when being interviewed.

I get the impression that these interviews are controlled freedom of speech.

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Morgan just wants to star an argument,his sidekicks just there for sex appeal.

He was advertising his show with women murderers the other morning,someone should have told him Trevor McDonald did this year's ago.

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