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Religious Door to door knocking

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We have had Jehovas witnesses at our door a few times and usually on a Sunday afternoon dressed in suits, My mrs who is English always answers the door and politely informs them she is a Muslim and that is enough to make them scarper without saying anything else.


Next time, just for giggles, you answer the door, dial up the accent and go full on ;););););)

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With all the negative messages the media has been giving about Muslims for the last decade or so perhaps British Muslims feel they need to show the evangelistic side of their Religion. I mean I have many Muslim friends and none of them hold extreme view like the minority ISIS sympathisers.

The Muslim terrorist and the Muslim moderate are worlds apart in their thinking.

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id probably be polite then after he'd gone throw his leaflets on the pile of watch towers that I haven't read.


I don't see what's wrong with just telling people what they believe is a pile of doggy do do. Doing so doesn't have to be rude or antagonistic to the religious person, it's just honestly expressing your view, what's wrong with that?

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Certain snowflakes get all upset when you challenge their views by deriding them. Or even just saying you think that they are wrong.


Ask them why they're getting upset then, sure to be an interesting and profitable line of self inquiry for then?

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