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Vermin pigeons at ponds forge

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I've always wondered... Who are we to pick and choose which animals should be considered/treated as "vermin"?


Couldn't agree more. After all the filthiest most polluting animal on earth is man by a huge margin because we've bred like vermin and now threaten to over run the planet and its resources. Yet still many of us see fit to sit in judgement on creatures that pose little or no threat to anyone or anything, in comparison to our wholesale destruction.

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A few Hillsborough Tree Penguins (< this particular one on a fact-finding mission at Stanedge Pole) would soon sort 'em out. They only live just down the road, but it'd take a king's ransom in liquorice allsorts to get 'em down from the trees (or Amey). :)


Not heard of the Tree Penguins for a while, i thought they had migrated to Parsonia and set up home in Buchannan Park .

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In hackenthorpe they are a real nuisance. Pooping on everything, next door neighbour spent a couple of hundred quid to proof his house. It doesn't work anymore though. After seeking advice from the council, all we can really do is shoot them with an air rifle which legal and fine if they are on my property and considered a pest. It does seem to be working well as they are declining in our area.I get 1 maybe 2 a day on my property now, they need culling but the council are not that bothered it seems.

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Absolutely disgusting creatures!!!

They carry filth everywhere they go and don't give a damn about the mess they leave,just expect someone else to clear up after them!!

The pidgeons, on the other hand are just trying to survive.


haha well said

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