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Cold war all over again?

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Russian diplomats told to leave US and in retaliation russia expels US diplomats.


On the one hand, yeah it's a bold move and could have bad consequences. On the other hand if the Russians really did deliberately attempt to and possibly even actually impact their election then that's pretty drastic, and calls for a drastic response.

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even when the Soviet Union was at their strongest, they still overestimated their capablities - and this in fact was one of the West's biggest worries during that time especially with the Marxist-Leninist doctrine thrown in, that made them think they were more invulnerable than they were. A bit like theocracies like Iran these days. They can think that God will look after them.


these days Russia is a shadow of its former self. They've gone capitalist, so they are not as skint as they would have been had they remained communist, but they're still skint. They're losing population. The US gains 20 million in population every few years. Russia loses the same number. If it does come down to a new 'Cold War', the US will win it just as, if not more easily than they did the last one.


what's interesting about the relaying of the power decks that the 21st century is bringing, is that everybody is highlighting the relationship between the USA and China, but ignoring the relationship between Russia and China who are neighbours. Russia are going to lose that one, too.


Obama is just doing what departing US presidents usually do and as a powerless parting shot, slagging off all the places he didn't particularly like during his 8 years as president. It was Israel last week and Russia this week. Perhaps it will be somewhere else next week. He still has three weeks left.


one of America's many quaint political traditions is that departing presidents usually leave leave a note on the office table in the White House wishing their successor luck, especially if they come from a different party or coalition like Trump does. I wouldn't mind to see what that reads.

Edited by solero
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