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Drones flying around Netheredge


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Can anyone tell me , why a drone would be flying around Netheredge , Empire Rd area , I was walking to a friends house. Yesterday lunch time , when I spotted a drone , I was on the land by the hall . It whizzed around over my head , whizzed off over the road, why ? What is round their worth looking at , to me it was like they were casing the building , very weird experience.

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Can anyone tell me , why a drone would be flying around Netheredge , Empire Rd area , I was walking to a friends house. Yesterday lunch time , when I spotted a drone , I was on the land by the hall . It whizzed around over my head , whizzed off over the road, why ? What is round their worth looking at , to me it was like they were casing the building , very weird experience.



Equally, why shouldn't a drone would be flying around Nether Edge? Whenever I see drone footage on the TV (nearly every documentary now) I want a go.



You can even get drone footage of the football now, how long till whole matches are streamed live?


Sheffield United vs Notts County

Edited by Nagel
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Can anyone tell me what a drone is please?

A drone is a male honey bee. Because of the fact that they contain no stinger, enterprising people catch them and tie small television cameras to their hind legs, thus enabling spectacular aerial photography, otherwise only possible using hot air balloons or stunt helicopters like mine.


Drones were first used by film director James Cameron for most of the aerial photography in the film 'Avatar', the same bees then going on to other work, such as 'Top Gear' and (rather dangerously) 'Spiderman'.


Unfortunately (and contradictive to the above), there is, so to speak, a sting in the tale … due to the large amount of drones now employed in the film industry, production of honey is now at an all time low. This is why many people now want drones to be banned from filming and back to flower dusting.

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Can anyone tell me , why a drone would be flying around Netheredge , Empire Rd area , I was walking to a friends house. Yesterday lunch time , when I spotted a drone , I was on the land by the hall . It whizzed around over my head , whizzed off over the road, why ? What is round their worth looking at , to me it was like they were casing the building , very weird experience.
This is a growing practice by criminal gangs, regrettably still widely under-reported and under-documented :(


Personally, any that comes hovering close over our garden/land near our house gets plinked with (biodegradable) BBs...400 of them per second, at over 450 FPS, kinda gets the message through to the tele-operator quick :twisted:

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