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The new Moor what do you think.

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The Moor in Sheffield is now half way into its new look.

What do you think , should it be open to public transport, should the building that cuts it of at the bottom be removed so as to allow through traffic .


What about the new building work does it inspire you or is it just much the same as the rest or even the ones that have been replaced .


Will the new Primark be a success now that it is not situated at the prime tram stop in the City centre meaning that a bit of a walk will be necessary to get there.


Should the Moor be the prime shopping area or just an off shoot from the proposed new retail area on Camebridge Street,

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The Moor in Sheffield is now half way into its new look.

What do you think , should it be open to public transport, should the building that cuts it of at the bottom be removed so as to allow through traffic .


What about the new building work does it inspire you or is it just much the same as the rest or even the ones that have been replaced .


Will the new Primark be a success now that it is not situated at the prime tram stop in the City centre meaning that a bit of a walk will be necessary to get there.


Should the Moor be the prime shopping area or just an off shoot from the proposed new retail area on Camebridge Street,


I took a walk down there in December. Looked clean. Few street artists and a few kids singing. Nothing to make me rush back as there are £1 shop and boots near the tram stop. Don't think I would go out my way just to go Iceland. Does the market open Sunday's?

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The Moor should remain pedestrianised driving buses down it would add nothing as you can get many buses one block either side, and we'd lose what has become a well used event space. If it were tram then it would be worth reconsidering.


The building that was knocked down was shabby and underused, the new building isn't inspirational but it is attracting retailers and restaurant chains to the Moor and Sheffield. Difficult to argue with that.


Primark would be a success if they built a built a branch on the moon.


The Moor appears to be the budget end of town with the other development being high end, we will see if it pans out like that.

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It looks terrible, another ugly building being built, I've said for years that the Moor should be opened up to traffic, look around and see the benches that were put up over ten years ago they never get cleaned, the only water they see is when it rains, parts of the Moor dug up ( near Shoe Zone) paving blocks removed and Tarmac put down, it's the same on Fargate, as you walk up nearly the whole of the right hand side pavement has had paving slabs removed and Tarmac put down, just on the other side from Norfolk Row to Surrey Street, some agency dug up the pavement and made a pigs ear of putting them back, they ended up a tripping hazard, Amey did try to repair them but they too made a mess of it.

The Moor is a concrete mess, seems crappy shops with crappy goods are taking it over, where's the quality furniture shops, clothe shops, butchers,etc. Open it up to traffic and erect some easy on the eye buildings.

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No way should the Moor have buses on it. Thats all we need breathing in

diesel fumes,having to dodge traffic, crossing from one side to the other

Buses cross at the Moorhead and at Fitzwilliam Gate.Isn't that near enough.

If you are shopping you have to walk a little.

As far as judging what the Moor is or will be like. Wait till it is

finished to pass judgement.

Edited by bazjea
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