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Back to Back Terraces

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My wife, who was born and bred in Sheffield assures me that there were some true back to backs at the bottom of Cemetery Road where the Christadelphian Church now stands. They went probably in the late 50's or very early 60's. They were literally back to back the dividing wall being only one brick in thickness. Those living in one fronting onto the street would have to go along the road and through a passageway to gain entrance to 'their' court where the wash house and outside loos would be. We now live in Lichfield and only last Thursday visited the last remaining back to backs in the country in Birmingham where they are maintained by the National Trust. Well worth a visit. Guided tours only which must be booked in advance. See the National Trust website for details.

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I was a paper boy in the early sixties and delivered to back to backs on Well road,Heeley. The backs were called courts. Eg. 3 court 2. That is house no. 3 in court 2. Or the other way round. There were also some on Little London Rd. near Valley Rd.

i also delivered the same round in the early sixties

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There were lots in the Broomhall area and also in Park district. I can remember them being referred to as garret eight houses. Often wondered what the eight meant. Living room/kitchen with a first floor bedroom and attic.




I was told "Garret Eight" was a corruption of the proper name: "Garret Height".


A "Garret" (or Attic) is name for a room/bedroom built into the roof of a building.


Hope this helps.



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I remember the back 2 back's but I can't remember who lived there apart from the Mulvany's.


Did they have a son called Patrick, there was afamily called Moor who had four girls one being Sandra who was a friend of mine plus Christine Kathleen cant remember the other, don't know where they all slept though! one of the few famalies on the street that owned a car aswell, remember them taking me to Abbydale Park in the car thought I was in the countyside!

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