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My sister's unborn baby died- she's now gone on to have a lovely baby boy

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This morning my sister went to see her midwife for a routine check- up and the midwife told her that the hearbeat was quite low so she should go to hospital. At the time we were not overly concerned as she was almost full term at 36 weeks, so we sort of expected them to deliver little Lucy or Jessica and everything would be ok.


I have just had a phone call from another sister telling that the baby has died in the womb and my sister has got to go through labour and deliver her. I just can't believe it, my sister is young and healthy ,doesn't smoke and has had a troublefree pregnancy.


To make matters worse, I live 70 miles away from her, although most of my family live close to her. I just feel so numb at the moment, but I am worrying about what I will say to my sister when I do get to speak to her:sad:

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what can anyone say that will help right now, i suspect there is nothing, but my thoughts are with your sister and family and you, it must be so hard being that far away, is there anyway you can take a couple of days off to see her?



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I have children so I know what it must of been like for your sister to go through childbirth and have nothing at the end of it,at times like these no words can really help. you just have to be patient and let your sister know that you will always be there for her,and when she is ready to talk you will listen,

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really sorry to hear that, Hope you and your sisters are ok, i dont know what i'd do if that happpened to one of my sisters, i wouldnt know what to say, but I suppose just being there to listen and cry on would be enough. There's nothing that you can say that will make her feel any better, so be strong and hang in there. Everything always gets better with time.xxx

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A friend of mine went into labour at full term and delivered a still born baby, it's one of the most awful things you can go through.

Just be there for her when she gets home and let her talk as much as she needs to about the baby, some people try to ignore the fact that it even existed to get over it and others need desperatELy to talk about that much needed child.


I'm so so sorry for your sisters loss.

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This morning my sister went to see her midwife for a routine check- up and the midwife told her that the hearbeat was quite low so she should go to hospital. At the time we were not overly concerned as she was almost full term at 36 weeks, so we sort of expected them to deliver little Lucy or Jessica and everything would be ok.


I have just had a phone call from another sister telling that the baby has died in the womb and my sister has got to go through labour and deliver her. I just can't believe it, my sister is young and healthy ,doesn't smoke and has had a troublefree pregnancy.


To make matters worse, I live 70 miles away from her, although most of my family live close to her. I just feel so numb at the moment, but I am worrying about what I will say to my sister when I do get to speak to her:sad:


That is so awful! A friend of our's went through the same thing last year - they'd just been married a year. She was overdue 2 weeks and was told to go to the hospital on the Tuesday morning if nothing had happened. When she got there, the tests showed that there was no heartbeat and she had to go through labour until the little girl was born early Thursday morning. I cannot understand why they put you through labour - why can't they just do a C section? But the good news is that last week, our friends became the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy - he's gorgeous! Aidan weighed in healthy with a beautiful full head of dark hair! Hopefully your sister will have the same wonderful outcome but the grieving process will be awful for her in the meantime. Give her a hug from me. Brandygirl.

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but I am worrying about what I will say to my sister when I do get to speak to her:sad:


I wouldn't tell her that you have told several thousend complete strangers about her loss, she might not appreciate it.

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