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Eastern European Women Beggars

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Has anyone else noticed the sudden rise in Sheffield centre of Eastern European female beggars over the past few weeks? I counted 4 today. They all have the same method of operation, holding a cup and saying 'Please' as you walk past. I guess they are all part of an organised gang. I watched one near Surrey St looking quite happy then making herself look quite disheveled when she could see people approaching!!

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Youre going to get the usual suspects asking "how do you know they are eastern european"


This must be the better life they were dreaming of when they came to the uk, there must not be a Greggs or Shoezone where they have come from!

Theyve hit the jackpot!

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I spent the weekend with some people from all over the country, and 3 from abroad. We were in town starting from the station and up into town over Friday and Saturday daytime, and we had a stream of people asking for things. Mainly men though. I can't ever recall it being like this in the past. It was the same a few months ago when I spent Sunday afternoon drinking with friends from out of town. They're like vultures around the station.


On Saturday I ended up inviting everyone over to mine to get away from town!


The German one said she saw loads of people off their tits. Must be because it's seen as an up and coming city.

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The old woman spends from 10.30 until 5.30 walking around the moor.

There are 2 people who are with her who empty the cup on a regular basis.

I thought about sending my dad down there.



If you get your dad to dress up as the old woman I'd definitely put something in his cup. :thumbsup:

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Has anyone else noticed the sudden rise in Sheffield centre of Eastern European female beggars over the past few weeks? I counted 4 today. They all have the same method of operation, holding a cup and saying 'Please' as you walk past. I guess they are all part of an organised gang. I watched one near Surrey St looking quite happy then making herself look quite disheveled when she could see people approaching!!


Recently went to Glasgow to see an old friend and the city is plagued with them, seeming evenly space about every 25yrds.


Although on one day whilst I was there an immigration van was circling round and there wasn't a single one to be seen . . . .

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