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Sentinel Letters - don't bin £200.00 +

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Setinel Letters


Setinel (A1 Scheme) More than 2M people will recieve a letter from the above telling them that they are due money back on past "card protection plans" they paid for, but were virtually useless,Sadly many will bin these letters as a scam. THERE NOT.. Most people will recieve between £25.00 & £250.00. For more detaols please see - http://www.moneysavingexpert.com they have a claim form template.

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Setinel Letters


Setinel (A1 Scheme) More than 2M people will recieve a letter from the above telling them that they are due money back on past "card protection plans" they paid for, but were virtually useless,Sadly many will bin these letters as a scam. THERE NOT.. Most people will recieve between £25.00 & £250.00. For more detaols please see - http://www.moneysavingexpert.com they have a claim form template.


Yeah, sure and how much will this scam cost anyone stupid enough to fall for it?

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You can get the money back yourself though, without paying any of it to a 3rd party.

Not exactly a scam, but they're a lot like ambulance chasers, the OP presumably has some sort of connection to them or is being paid to advertise for them on social media.

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I used to have it years ago, it was more than just simple card protection.


If you lost your wallet, one phone call to them and they cancelled all your cards, arranged replacements and could advance you cash as well as pay any outstanding hotel and travel bills for you.


You also got those little metal keyrings where if you lost your keys, the finder could drop them into a postbox and Sentinel would courier them back to you.

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