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Noise from Niagra sports club

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But you wouldn't be ' taking on ' Niagara.

You would be spoiling someone's wedding party and upsetting a fellow DJ.

I very much doubt it would ever come to a showdown with them but the more people posting on the thread will help the op in her quest for a peacefull night at home.The word will soon get down to them that they are upsetting the locals ,never a good idea .

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But you wouldn't be ' taking on ' Niagara.

You would be spoiling someone's wedding party and upsetting a fellow DJ.

The dj at my wedding was told by the bar manager to play what was requested at the time he was booked, or pack up and go home...there were 7 full time dj's at the reception :hihi:

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Its probably as simple as facing the speakers in the right direction (away from the local houses). It would be interesting if anybody that has been to one of the offending nights could describe the set up. We don't hear it (we do hear the dogs) like others it seems the first row of houses it hits stops it.

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Hi folks, thank you for your comments, just to sum up- I did know when I moved here that they had receptions and private parties in the Niagara Club but they have never been a problem. The problem has been quite recently in the wacking great marquee that is literally feet from my house and mine is not the closest. The noise that bothers me is the loudness of the Live music, particularly the Bangra type drumming last weekend from about 3.30 to nearly 11pm. I did manage to get through to 101 eventually but they could not hear me when I was stood on my doorstep and they were alarmed at the noise level when I went inside to speak to them. The out of hours noise nuisance team offered to come out but they won't do anything and they have no powers really other than ask them to turn it down which Niagara didn't when they were asked last year although they promised to. They are licensed to play music in the marquee until 11pm which give them their due they do turn it off at 11pm. I am going to speak to some residents and get their opinions and will let you know if anything happens. I have a lovely garden that I have spent a lot of time and money on and friends and family come round quite often and we sit outside when the weather is o.k. but sometimes Sat and Sun I can't use the garden because of the noise, I never have music on outside as I am aware how noise carries here, they have a helluva lot of grounds at Niagra it just annoys me that they have to put the marquee so close to us, it couldn't be any closer. Maybe at the other side it would be too much for the police dogs to bear!!!!!

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