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Noise from Niagra sports club

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Hi, does anyone else who lives in the vicinity of the above have a problem with the noise from there. I live just off Leppings Lane and have done for 30 years or so, never had a problem at all just noise on Bonfire night etc. Since they started doing Weddings etc in the Marquees the noise is horrendous. At the moment sounds like a Bangra band, its only Live music that seems to be so loud. If that was me in my garden I am sure I wouldn't be allowed to get away with it. It seems because they are SYP noise nuisance doesn't seem to matter. Anyone else have the same problem?

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Hi, does anyone else who lives in the vicinity of the above have a problem with the noise from there. I live just off Leppings Lane and have done for 30 years or so, never had a problem at all just noise on Bonfire night etc. Since they started doing Weddings etc in the Marquees the noise is horrendous. At the moment sounds like a Bangra band, its only Live music that seems to be so loud. If that was me in my garden I am sure I wouldn't be allowed to get away with it. It seems because they are SYP noise nuisance doesn't seem to matter. Anyone else have the same problem?


have you reported it?

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I have reported it several times last year. The Environmental Services came out twice last year on two separate Summer evenings when it was horrendous. They went into my bedroom about 10.30pm to see how loud it was. By the looks on their faces I think that they agreed with me but didn't say so. They advised me to close my bedroom windows on an extremely hot August evening. They said they would ask them to turn it down. They rang me back and said that they had promised to turn it down but didn't. It goes on until 11pm when they have to take the event into the Club if they wish to continue.


---------- Post added 16-08-2015 at 18:15 ----------


I realise that they have to have a license but this is only a few hundred feet from my door and it is in a marquee which may just as well not be there because it is not in a building its outside in a tent. I have worked at SCC and according to the Noise Nuisance regulations it used to say that any noise no matter what time of day is classed as nuisance if it is annoying anyone. I don't know if that has changed. When they applied for the license someone from this estate objected and someone who lives near the entrance to Niagra objected but it made no difference. I was away at the time so couldn't attend, however I did write to object.

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11 is quite a reasonable time, and you've been offered a solution to the problem. I'm sure the place linked to the police has nothing to do with nothing been done, which is probably more to do with being within limits, noise within reasonable times or even lack of complaints

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What are "the limits" Haddy, there aren't any. The Noise Nuisance guidelines say if the noise is annoying someone than its deemed as being too loud. The constant drumming has been going on now since about 4pm, I can hear it everywhere in my house. It is till going on now. I think five and a halfhours constant drumming would drive anyone crazy. Environmental services have no power todo anything other than ask for it to be turned down, guess what the next step is---call police to seize equipment if their request isn't complied with.

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I find the noise of crying children annoying, so your saying that is too loud and a nuisance? I hear it often from a house a few doors away this can be at any hours. But guess what, I just put up and shut up.


Surely when you moved in your property you was aware it was there so you accepted that you were happy with this when moving in

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If you read my original post haddy you will have seen I moved here 30 yrs ago,at that time they did not hold weddings etc in a marquee a few yards from my house, this has only been the last couple of years. if you could see how near it is you would be amazed, about 6 car lengths, a small hedge then a very narrow strip of land then the marquee. When I said a few feet that was no exaggeration. The football ground was here long before I moved in and I don't find that an intrusion in the least, we live with it it doesn't stop me doing anything unlike the noise tonight. I was in my garden enjoying a chat with a friend who is epileptic, they found the noise quite disturbing and left early because of it'

A baby crying is a natural sound that no one could prevent unless it was deliberately being made to cry. I don't think Environmental Services could help there but this is a totally different thing. Do you live near Niagra? my post just asked if anyone else living near there had the same problem. I wasn't asking for arguments for or against. I was seeking opinions from people living close by. I am sure if you look you will find a post about crying babies somewhere on here for you to express an opinion.

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