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London protests

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Learn to spell dude


And then explain yourself


Spelling error is the best you've got? Sadder still. The electorate has spoken. In Scotland they got over 50 snp mps. Is that because of Murdoch etc? Can't they read up there? Are you suggesting the electorate is stupid? Poor people are too stupid to vote labour or vote at all? How does corporate cronyism stop people researching parties manefestos? Do they steal pens out of voting booths? Road closures?


Up until Thursday any and all protest was justified. Any thing that soon after a fair election its sour grapes. If you don't like it leave.

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Well only if you consider a heavily biased media, corporate cronyism and repugnant smear campaigns of the opposition as 'democratic'.


But I do not


No, you seem to think that anyone who voted in disagreement of yourself is an idiot and their vote isn't valid; that they were all blinded by smear campaigns and media bias and are incapable of thinking for themselves or having their own opinion. All 11 million plus of them; more in fact, as I doubt you like UKIP either.


How do you feel about restricting voting to only a cross section of society, i.e. only those who have been in higher education and can supposedly see past all this media bias and smear that you fear so much?

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You're damn tootin it ain't the best effin system


Proportional representation is the only fair way that every vote counts





So you would be happy with a Conservative UKIP coalition as they would be well set with more than half of the total votes cast?

Edited by evil woman
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I think you have upset a bad loser. The type who only want democracy when they win.


Yes, that must be it evil woman


Nothing at all to do with the fact that this country is not a democracy in any shape or form, as friday's election result has proved


Nothing at all to do with the fact that British leaders are decided by Rupert Murdoch


Nothing at all to do with Cameron's repugnant smear campaign against Milliband, Clegg, Bennett


Nothing at all to do with the poor and vulnerable in Britain being squeezed, when the Banks should have been put to bed in the mess they created

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Yes, that must be it evil woman


Nothing at all to do with the fact that this country is not a democracy in any shape or form, as friday's election result has proved


Would you be saying that if the Tories had lost?

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A bunch of spoilt rich kids not used to and unable comprehend that they aren't getting exactly what they want. So they stamp their feet instead. Sad.


I blame the parents.


So what will you do when your times comes to not get what you want, because that time is coming soon?

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Nothing at all to do with Cameron's repugnant smear campaign against Milliband, Clegg, Bennett


Yet all 3 of them, along with others, ganged up on The Tories in TV debates......and still lost the argument.

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Would you be saying that if the Tories had lost?


I would. It's a free and fair election, albeit with too many safe seats (in England anyway). It's never been easier to access information about the various parties - if you so stupid to vote on how a dying media like a newspaper presents someone tackling a bacon sandwich you are stupid and get what you deserve.

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Spelling error is the best you've got? Sadder still. The electorate has spoken. In Scotland they got over 50 snp mps. Is that because of Murdoch etc? Can't they read up there? Are you suggesting the electorate is stupid? Poor people are too stupid to vote labour or vote at all? How does corporate cronyism stop people researching parties manefestos? Do they steal pens out of voting booths? Road closures?


Up until Thursday any and all protest was justified. Any thing that soon after a fair election its sour grapes. If you don't like it leave.


Your spelling is in exact parallel to your alcohol consumption tfh, was just pointing it out.


We are in a recession, headed for a depression. What happens in times when people are scared? The rise of nationalism and the rise of the right, just as it did before the second world war.


Yes, I am saying people are stupid. And scared. And ignorant. And easily manipulated.


Protest is ALWAYS justified and a reflection of the mood of a country. I'd like you to have tried saying that kind of tosh in the run up to the French Revolution.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:04 ----------


How do you feel about restricting voting to only a cross section of society, i.e. only those who have been in higher education and can supposedly see past all this media bias and smear that you fear so much?


That sir, would be a great idea :)

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