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London protests

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This is a very good question, and I'm so glad you've noticed enough to start this thread :)


The government is held together by sticky tape and string at the moment


God only knows who voted the conservatives in, but there is clearly a significant part of the British population who are really very unhappy about it.


Publicising riots would probably incite similar unrest across Britain.


Move along, there's nothing to see here...


no its not a very good question! dont pander to them! the Gov was democratically elected in our current system, i dont think its the best system but its what we have for now.

the Conservatives were voted in by Majority which was gave them much more support than last time. i didnt vote Conservative but for now accept it until the next chance.


publicising riots would give these scum the attention they seek.


move along!

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The protesters in the pictures I have seen appear to be the usual spoilt kids of middle class socialists, they are basically a bunch of clueless student toss pots, mingling with some brainwashed militant lefties !


I couldn't agree more. They'd sh*t themselves if they had to visit a council estate.

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no its not a very good question!


Oh yes it is


dont pander to them! the Gov was democratically elected in our current system


Well only if you consider a heavily biased media, corporate cronyism and repugnant smear campaigns of the opposition as 'democratic'.


But I do not


i dont think its the best system but its what we have for now


You're damn tootin it ain't the best effin system


Proportional representation is the only fair way that every vote counts


the Conservatives were voted in by Majority which was gave them much more support than last time


They have a marginal majority. The smallest in history.


i didnt vote Conservative but for now accept it until the next chance


Likewise. But shall continue with my subversion


publicising riots would give these scum the attention they seek


These are just people. Unhappy with a government that has looked after the banks, rather than us. I'd be doing the same, given half an opportunity....bring back the seventies! When people at least had some backbone. Wouldn't take any of this bull**** lying down.

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