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London protests

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So what will you do when your times comes to not get what you want, because that time is coming soon?


People will carry on. Most people do and have done since the year dot. They aren't interested in politics, just trying to do the best for their nearest and dearest.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:06 ----------


Your spelling is in exact parallel to your alcohol consumption tfh, was just pointing it out.


We are in a recession, headed for a depression. What happens in times when people are scared? The rise of nationalism and the rise of the right, just as it did before the second world war.


Yes, I am saying people are stupid. And scared. And ignorant. And easily manipulated.


Protest is ALWAYS justified and a reflection of the mood of a country. I'd like you to have tried saying that kind of tosh in the run up to the French Revolution.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:04 ----------



That sir, would be a great idea :)


I know you aren't comparing the current situation to the French Revolution because you can't be that stupid. Suggest I'm a drunk again though and we will fall out.

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Your spelling is in exact parallel to your alcohol consumption tfh, was just pointing it out.


We are in a recession, headed for a depression. What happens in times when people are scared? The rise of nationalism and the rise of the right, just as it did before the second world war.


Yes, I am saying people are stupid. And scared. And ignorant. And easily manipulated.


Protest is ALWAYS justified and a reflection of the mood of a country. I'd like you to have tried saying that kind of tosh in the run up to the French Revolution.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:04 ----------



That sir, would be a great idea :)


Protest may be justified. Violence isn't. EVER!

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So you would be happy with a Conservative UKIP coalition as they would be well set with more than half of the total votes cast?


People voted tactically in this election. You cannot use these numbers as a reflection of PR.


Ask me about coalitions after the results of a TRUE PR election


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:07 ----------


Would you be saying that if the Tories had lost?


This country is in the lap of big business


Until politics is disengaged from media and business interest


It will NEVER be a democracy

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People voted tactically in this election. You cannot use these numbers as a reflection of PR.


Ask me about coalitions after the results of a TRUE PR election


Ahhh so people are scared and ignorant and easily manipulated but savvy enough to vote tactically. Hmmmmm.

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People voted tactically in this election. You cannot use these numbers as a reflection of PR.


Ask me about coalitions after the results of a TRUE PR election


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 17:07 ----------



This country is in the lap of big business


Until politics is disengaged from media and business interest


It will NEVER be a democracy


So that's a no then.

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So what will you do when your times comes to not get what you want, because that time is coming soon?
Such:hihi: melodrama! You really do live in your own little fantasy world.


I didn't get what I want. I voted Green because I think a handful of Green MP's would be beneficial to everyone.


I also thought (naively it turns out) that a Green MP could be elected in my constituency. Didn't happen. Got decimated by Labour.


But you don't see me on here whining and stamping my feet like a spoilt child whilst making up silly nightmare scenarios.

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Ahhh so people are scared and ignorant and easily manipulated but savvy enough to vote tactically. Hmmmmm.


Yes, because in marginal seats, the conservatives ramped up really aggressive campaigns


Come on tfh, I'd expected more from you than this!

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That sir, would be a great idea :)


You are putting a smiley face on it, but that is the thought process you are leading us to believe you have. You think the electorate too stupid to elect it's Government, because they elected a party you don't follow.

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