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Head coach at Owlerton.


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Hi Gary here ( lol ) don't see the recruitment of Paul senior as anything but a good thing, our owner obviously means business and is getting the right men in to make sure the right players get in.( if that makes any sense)its three extra wages that could have been avoided, but same as with the pitch and scoreboard this fella isn't gunna scrimp , looking forward to the player recruitment for the first time in years.

exactly Gray, erm i mean Gary

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Herdings was a foreign Country when the 105 was running:hihi:


Didn't the 105 go the Cutlers and service Herdings before Rollestone was constructed and the 28 introduced to service it

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Didn't the 105 go the Cutlers and service Herdings before Rollestone was constructed and the 28 introduced to service it

Not as I remember ,I left in 1964 the 105 was still terminating at Myrtle Springs top entrance then.

It would have been daft to go on Hurlfield Road past the Punch Bowl as that was the 102 route.

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Didn't the 105 go the Cutlers and service Herdings before Rollestone was constructed and the 28 introduced to service it


Think it was the number 53 IIRC which turned into the herdings went past the Cutlers and the terminated just before the old peoples home. The 53 went between Herdings and Lodge Moor and we used to do the round trip as kids for a laugh.

Or was it the 52? I'll go with 53, init a pain when you're getting older,LOL


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 20:55 ----------


You forgot to put in SHORT TROUSERS.


My bus of choice was the 33 :hihi::hihi:


But the 33 went to the Gaunt, full of drug dealers but I think its a lot better these days,:)

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Think it was the number 53 IIRC which turned into the herdings went past the Cutlers and the terminated just before the old peoples home. The 53 went between Herdings and Lodge Moor and we used to do the round trip as kids for a laugh.

Or was it the 52? I'll go with 53, init a pain when you're getting older,LOL


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 20:55 ----------



But the 33 went to the Gaunt, full of drug dealers but I think its a lot better these days,:)


I got off in Norton Lees a posh part of town pal :)

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It was the 51 I believe GV - it still does the Herdings to Lodge Moor run :)


yep, you're probably right, surprised it still runs


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 21:40 ----------


It was the 51 I believe GV - it still does the Herdings to Lodge Moor run :)


Ha, didn't the 53 take a similar route as the 42 years ago, think I used to get one of them sometimes on my way to the Temple

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