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Electronic information at tram/bus stops

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They do have a use- now I know exactly how many trams should've arrived before the one that is absolutely rammed shows up.


They're pointless at the moment. They don't track the trams and don't get updated with any relevant information- when something goes wrong they tell you to look at twitter. Worth every penny.


It's about right for Sheffield though- every other city seems to have live tracking on public transport and we've made a right mess of ours.

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I find it odd that there are two of these signs at the Lepping's Lane stop heading towards town; one actually displays live information (most of the time) and the other doesn't. Why two were justified in the first place is beyond me, but with one basically out of action I definitely don't see the point.

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Overheard a conductor explaining the situation to someone on a tram the other morning, the delay is apparently due to the council refusing to hand over control of the screens to Supertram tram until a certain issue is fixed - something to do with real time tracking, this is an issue that Supertram could apparently fix with ease but they're not being given the chance to do so. So until the council fathom it out for themselves they're just complicated clocks.

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If these signs are anything like the 1's at Sheffield bus stops they will be;-


1. A 'Must See'(!?) form of frustration as you watch the ETA of your! bus(tram) slowly ebb away, minute by minute until it becomes 'Due'........... and then disappears from screen to be replaced by your next 'Service'!, ETA 16! minutes. (Oh, how we do laugh when that (frequently) happens!!!!!!!!!!).

2. Clocks.

3. Yet another pavement/'visual' obstacle.

4. Unnecessary illuminations.

5. A complete and utter waste of time.


I could go on but!, I am suffering 'extreme boredom' now.

A feeling I can well imagine many, many other commuters in this city have endured whilst waiting for a No.? bus to 'appear' from the mysterious 'Sheffield Triangle'!!. :rolleyes:

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My understanding is that the operation of these signs is the responsibility of South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) - not the Council?


Although not sure of who agreed to where they could & couldn't be sited, maybe the Council did have something to do with that? But not with their operation.


Like many posters on here I too have noticed inaccuracies in the information & I'm also bemused as to why it's taking so long for SYPTE to commission these & pass the operation of them on to Supertram. Operation of the signs by SYPTE at present - rather than by Supertram - has also been given on a no. of occasions as the reason why they don't advise of incidents e.g. accidents causing temporary suspensions of service....

Edited by GleadlessLad
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If these signs are anything like the 1's at Sheffield bus stops they will be;-


1. A 'Must See'(!?) form of frustration as you watch the ETA of your! bus(tram) slowly ebb away, minute by minute until it becomes 'Due'........... and then disappears from screen to be replaced by your next 'Service'!, ETA 16! minutes. (Oh, how we do laugh when that (frequently) happens!!!!!!!!!!).

2. Clocks.

3. Yet another pavement/'visual' obstacle.

4. Unnecessary illuminations.

5. A complete and utter waste of time.


I could go on but!, I am suffering 'extreme boredom' now.

A feeling I can well imagine many, many other commuters in this city have endured whilst waiting for a No.? bus to 'appear' from the mysterious 'Sheffield Triangle'!!. :rolleyes:


your number 1 is exactly what happens .the other day I waited nearly 40 minutes for a service that is supposed to be every 10 mins . why cant these screens inform people whats happening ?

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your number 1 is exactly what happens .the other day I waited nearly 40 minutes for a service that is supposed to be every 10 mins . why cant these screens inform people whats happening ?


Fully agree - two bus no. 51s "disappeared" despite the electronic display assuring me that they were on time, leaving me stranded at Crosspool late one Saturday night - display indicated that they were coming, the time counted right down to "Due" - & then no bus.


Same with the next one timetabled for 30 mins later. Ended up walking down to Broomhill & then managed to flag down a black cab.


Complained to First - apparently they'd pulled the 51 service that evening because they were short of drivers! Frustrating thing was that the displays indicated a normal service as did the "NextBus" text service which I'd used as a belt & braces policy...

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I picked up a Sheffield Telegraph at the weekend. There was an article about Richard Blackledge's book on exploring Sheffield using Supertram. I thought "Why not. Let's give it a go". So I hopped on a tram with my young daughter and off we went.


All went well until it came time to take a tram from Crystal Peaks and head back into the city. We had stood at the tram stop for an age watching the countdown for trams that didn't show up when a large group of pedestrians walked by. They told us that a tram had broken down a couple of stops back and blocked the tracks. They had walked from there as no trams were running.


We went back to Crystal Peaks and phoned for a taxi.


Surely it isn't beyond the whit of man to put that message up on the display to let folk know the tram isn't 8 minutes away. As we left Crystal Peaks by taxi folk were omce again waiting at the tram stops.

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