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Electronic information at tram/bus stops

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I noticed a big black post going in on the platform at Langsett/Primrose View that looks like it might be used to carry electronic information boards. Are we getting these across the system at last?


Mentioned these in another thread about the Stagecoach fares rise.


Personally if that's what they are for then I just think it a big waste of money as the timetables are already posted at the tram stops, and they are also run fairly frequent.


Sometimes "just because you can" doesn't make in necessary or useful.

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It is normal to have live information at tram stops and in the past it would have been useful most of the time and necessary some of the time.


Part of the premium you pay for a modern efficient form of transport is to get live information which at times may inform you about choices you need to make.

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I think we really need them. Trams don't always run exactly to timetable and anyway it needs to be simple to know when the next one is coming.


For example, waiting in the snow/rain/wind/cold at the station for a blue tram at night it does seem hopeless and lonely sometimes. But if it says the next one is '16 minutes' or whatever, I can decide to make other plans such as get a bus from over the road, or walk into town for a different bus, or go for a swift half in the warm of the Tap etc etc. It also makes it clear whether you will make your connection later on in your journey. Basic stuff really.

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Personally if that's what they are for then I just think it a big waste of money as the timetables are already posted at the tram stops,



The printed timetables aren't useful for everyone. People who have learning difficulties or even have forgotten their reading glasses might struggle to read a timetable.


In London even bus stops in the outer areas have live travel information about how many minutes to the next bus

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The printed timetables aren't useful for everyone. People who have learning difficulties or even have forgotten their reading glasses might struggle to read a timetable.


In London even bus stops in the outer areas have live travel information about how many minutes to the next bus


Where there is space there are often live travel information at bus stops in Sheffield, our trams need move into the information age. Relying on paper timetables is very 20th Century. The recent changes to the timetable due to the engineering works demonstrated this to me starkly, travelling the day before the engineering works started the printed timetables were simply had the wrong timetable information on them as the notices being displayed were for the period of engineering works.


I have to say this development is well overdue, we've had real time passenger information available for a decade or more at train stations and now many people carry smart phones on which they can look this sort of information up.

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The trams themselves currently seem to have the wrong destinations on - it says 'Malin Bridge' but only goes to Shalesmoor. Can't they alter them or is it the extra labour cost of altering them that prevents them being changed?

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