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Should voting be restricted to people that work and pay taxes?

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People will be voting in May, and many vote for what is in their best interests, but should they be able to do that, if they havnt put anything into the system, money.

Wasnt that Maggies idea behind the poll tax?

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Universal suffrage isn't perfect. Perhaps certain people shouldn't be able to vote. Some people are unable to make logical decisions


Logically speaking (money) Alan Sugar contributes many many more amounts of monies into the system than I do. Should he be allowed a hundred votes?

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Hmm....Where have I heard this before....:huh:


Ah yes, the 23 year old student Alexandra Swann, (who did her dissertation on Social Darwinism, apparently), and former Tory Chair of 'Conservative Future', who switched to UKIP, pronounced that:


allowing people to vote on how other people’s money is spent — if they don't contribute — is dangerous”.



Well she was only following her ideological soulmate Counsellor Tom Bonsall, who like Swann has migrated from the Tories to UKIP who asked:


“Should people on benefits be allowed to vote?”. He then answered his own question:


“It would be terribly ‘unfair’ of you to give equal representation rights to the chap who contributes 50 times more than the next person. In the same way as if you own 60% of shares of a company, you’ll get 60% of the voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.”



If they had been born 20 years earlier, they would have had a bright future in the 'Young Conservatives': the swivel eyed gob frothers would've lapped it up. :hihi:


EDIT: Alexandra feels she can no longer support UKIP apparently for their illiberal stance on immigration :http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/rising-ukip-star-alexandra-swann-protests-her-own-partys-stance-on-immigration-9244746.html

To be fair, she should've known that their stance on immigration was several paces to the right of Enoch Powell.....

Edited by Mister M
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Unless you live in a cave and eat moss, everyone pays VAT. That's a tax. Quite a high one.


It is a tax but if you receive all your money from everyone else who does work then no you are not paying any tax at all. Everyone else who pays for you is yet again paying more tax.

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It is a tax but if you receive all your money from everyone else who does work then no you are not paying any tax at all. Everyone else who pays for you is yet again paying more tax.


So council workers, nurses, teachers, our armed forces shouldnt be able to vote either?


You might struggle getting that through.

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In the same way as if you own 60% of shares of a company, you’ll get 60% of the voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.”


Not sure how it works in companies, no one has mentioned the poll tax principle yet.


Many UK residents have a steak in the UK, but I dont think that our democracy is working very well, can our voting system be improved.

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