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Queen to hand out Maundy money at Easter In Sheffield

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Years ago now, my parents were invited to the Maundy ceremony at Southwell Minster. They'd been instructed that nobody was to leave the Minster before the Queen. Unfortunately towards the end of the ceremony my Mum was taken ill and had no choice but to leave the Minster or be sick on the floor. She made it to the door and just managed to get outside before throwing up, as the flashbulbs popped from the assembled press thinking this must be the Queen emerging.


Some people will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame!! She must have been so embarrassed bless her

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I am hoping to take my grand daughter to try and catch a glimpse of the Queen, next Thursday, but am unable to find any details of the timetable for the visit.

The Sheffield Council site just says that the visit is in the morning, and the Cathedral site has even less information.

Would be grateful if anyone has more details.


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