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Brother of accused Rotherham Groomer speaks out on C4 news.

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Back to the 80s mentality when a female was asking for it by dressing provactively, eh? Sorry, but this kind of attitude sickens me. Perhaps you think all girls should be covered from head to toe, just in case a 40 odd year old man can't keep his hands off a 12 year old girl, eh?


And as for the girls wearing short skirts anyway, how do we know the victims even did? As many of these were being picked up at school, I presume they'd be in some sort of regulation uniform - perhaps uniforms are too provocative too? Perhaps schools should be sued for failing to protect these girls, by issuing them with provocative uniforms?




Good heavens yes, I see what you mean!!



Do you not see the red herring? These girls were not going to clubs in short skirts and staying out all night and waking up in strangers beds! They were girls like mine, doing ordinary things that girls that age should be able to do without being groomed, raped, and passed around for money/drugs or otherwise! WHEN the groomers had frightened them enough for them to believe that they and their families were at risk of death if they didn't comply, that's when they were staying out all night.


I'm so angry that someone who otherwise seems quite a reasonable person can seriously trot something out like this.


Is this aimed at me or the lad in the interview? :confused:





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I watched it and he didn't come across as badly as I expected having read this forum first.


He's obviously not the sharpest pencil in the pack, but he does have a point about young lasses going out late in very short dresses.....Who is responsible for these girls?






And did you also fall for the line that these 12-14 year olds wearing short skirts were in clubs too? Do you not think that nightclubs are more careful these days about who they let in? Young people have to provide IDs if they look under 25 now in drinking establishments, it's not as easy as it used to be for a young girl to get in to a club.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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Back to the 80s mentality when a female was asking for it by dressing provactively, eh? Sorry, but this kind of attitude sickens me. Perhaps you think all girls should be covered from head to toe, just in case a 40 odd year old man can't keep his hands off a 12 year old girl, eh?


And as for the girls wearing short skirts anyway, how do we know the victims even did? As many of these were being picked up at school, I presume they'd be in some sort of regulation uniform - perhaps uniforms are too provocative too? Perhaps schools should be sued for failing to protect these girls, by issuing them with provocative uniforms?




Good heavens yes, I see what you mean!!



Do you not see the red herring? These girls were not going to clubs in short skirts and staying out all night and waking up in strangers beds! They were girls like mine, doing ordinary things that girls that age should be able to do without being groomed, raped, and passed around for money/drugs or otherwise! WHEN the groomers had frightened them enough for them to believe that they and their families were at risk of death if they didn't comply, that's when they were staying out all night.


I'm so angry that someone who otherwise seems quite a reasonable person can seriously trot something out like this.


Absolutely well said.


I was about to post something similar.

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And did you also fall for the line that these 12-14 year olds wearing short skirts were in clubs too? Do you not think that nightclubs are more careful these days about who they let in? Young people have to provide IDs if they look under 25 now in drinking establishments, it's not as easy as it used to be for a young girl to get in to a club.


When I was 12 years old I used to have to be back home and in the house by 8pm.


Feel free to disagree, but I don't think it's right that 12 year old girls should be out until the early hours of the morning in clubs, drinking alcohol and dressed provocatively.


The most important part of my post you didn't highlight '.....Who is responsible for these girls?'


If I was responsible for a 12 year old girl, I certainly wouldn't want her going out half dressed until the early hours.


If you're suggesting the lad in the interview was lying through his teeth and these girls aren't out until the early hours dressed like that, then that's a different matter. I actually have no idea whether they are or they aren't, because I don't frequent such places, but my point is that if girls are going out as he suggests, then why are the people responsible for these girls letting it happen?


From everything I've heard and read in the last couple of months with regards to Rotherham, nothing surprises me anymore.





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Enjoy this thread whilst it lasts folks because you know where it's going to end up - gone because we are discussing the hot potato of Pakistani males again.


Doom - I think Mr Bloom's comments were aimed at you. These girls weren't asking for it, they were being picked up from children's homes and given drink and drugs and then raped.

Edited by Paddy
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C4 news this evening has dedicated much of its programme to Child Sexual Exploitation, and of course Rotherham, in particular. Sageer Hussain, brother of Arshid Hussain, referred to as 'Ash' by Rotherham girls, also speaks out on behalf of the family and his brother for the first time on C4 news, and also Ann Coffey, the MP for Stockport.


It is also available on C4+1 at 8pm. It is a worthwhile watch.


This guy displays many, or if not all the traits of a psychopath. In this (simplified) check list here, I'd say that he ticks all the boxes in just a short interview (when a psychopath would be trying to exhibit 'normal' behaviour).

I haven't got a problem with the interview being aired, I just think it should've been pointed out that the guy's delusional and that in an ideal world, he'd be sectioned for his own good, as well as the well being of others ... he'd be very manipulative (and therefore dangerous) to impressionable minds.

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Doom - I think Mr Bloom's comments were aimed at you. These girls weren't asking for it, they were been picked up from children's homes and given drink and drugs and then raped.


Maybe I misunderstood Mr Bloom's post, but I didn't initially get past his first paragraph which enraged me.


Back to the 80s mentality when a female was asking for it by dressing provactively, eh? Sorry, but this kind of attitude sickens me. Perhaps you think all girls should be covered from head to toe, just in case a 40 odd year old man can't keep his hands off a 12 year old girl, eh?


I got the impression that was aimed at me and I was suggesting young Females are 'asking for it' by dressing provocatively.


I never suggested anything of the sort and nor would I.


Taking the lads comments at face value, what I was agreeing with is that girls as young as 12 shouldn't be out dressed provocatively until the early hours of the morning in clubs.


There are two sides to consider as far as I'm concerned:


1. The responsibility on those looking after the young girls.


2. Those who come into contact with the young girls and how they treat them.


IF those who are looking after the young girls are letting them out until the early hours dressed provocatively, then I think questions need to be asked.


Those who take advantage of the young girls need castrating and locking up.


Whilst those who have taken advantage of these girls are undoubtedly the worst offenders, there are others involved in all this who also have some responsibility for what has happened.





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I don't know what the answer to this is but there is no doubt that girls (and boys) are being sexualised at a very early age. You only have to look at the provocative videos of female (and male) pop singers for the proof of this. These 'singers' are doing nothing but peddling sex because they actually have no talent whatsoever - that is why they do it. The more provocative they are, the more money they get in return.


Part of growing up is looking for your own identity and young people tend to seek out role models to help them with this process. The sort of people they see in the media are usually poor ones. The issue of children growing up too fast is one that society needs to address but sadly nobody will bother because there are multi million pound industries behind it. I feel sorry for young people these days - they are children, with a child's mind but seeking to adopt adult roles.


Having said this, there is absolutely no excuse for the criminal behaviour of these Pakistani Muslim men. I have no intention of watching the Channel 4 programme - I have read enough on here. It disgusts me.

Edited by Jomie
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My friend then recalled his time at school in Rotherham and an after-school fight involving Arshad and a White lad on "Braggy park". Instead of fighting one on one, Arshad brought a large group of males with him (including his brother in the clip) and instead of fighting one on one, Arshad and a group of over 20 males proceeded to jump the White lad.


Arshad appears to be not only a dirty paedo, but a cowardly individual, who was incapable of fighting one on one in his youth. A coward who would prey upon others in a gang.


That is normal. Two of my kids are at secondary school and they have witnessed countless incidents where a disagreement with an Asian results in the 'offender' being met by a large group of brothers, cousins and friends outside the school gates.



The most important part of my post you didn't highlight '.....Who is responsible for these girls?'


If I was responsible for a 12 year old girl, I certainly wouldn't want her going out half dressed until the early hours.


When kids go off the rails (for whatever reason) they are difficult to control whether it is the parents, foster parents of care home workers who are responsible. Smacking would be seriously frowned upon (no professional would dare) and anything above 'reasonable chastisement' would be illegal. It would also be illegal to lock them in their room to prevent them going out.


This is a particular problem for care homes who will find themselves reporting to police and social service missing LAC's (looked after child) on a near daily basis. If the police find them then they will take them back but they will often just disappear again because they are not prisoners. It is very difficult to protect children when they are their own worse enemy and you can imagine the frustration this causes services, particularly the police, when the children repeatedly put themselves in danger night after night and utilise precious resource... part of the reason some police have a less than caring attitude.


The girls may be their own worst enemy but it does not excuse the disgusting attitude of the abusers. Another PR disaster for the Muslim community... what values are they installing in their young men?

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