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Brain tumour 5 year old taken by parents

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If the child had needed a life saving blood transfusion and the parents had refused, the hospital would have applied for him to be made a Ward of Court. This is almost always granted. Put yourself in their shoes, parents of a terminally ill child, what would you do? If you have never been in that situation, I don`t think you can pass judgement on them.


If parents refuse treatment that could be life saving based purely on religious grounds, then myself and everyone else has a right to pass judgement.

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Theyve been found in Spain,



A five-year-old boy with a brain tumour who was removed from a UK hospital by his parents has been found in Spain.


Ashya King was taken to a hospital in Malaga and his parents arrested, Hampshire police said.


His father Brett King defended his actions in a video posted on YouTube, saying the family were seeking a treatment Ashya had not been offered.





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As I said on the BBC Breakfast page there seems to be something wrong with the authorities/ police force that pursues and arrest a family trying to do the best for their son where as the McCanns, who neglected their kids on a regular basis, get off with slapped hands. I know who I have sympathy for.

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Good news now regarding this lad, but one things bugs me!

He was taken from the hospital at 1400 hrs but they didn't inform the police until 2000 hrs (according to, reports).

Is hospital security that bad?


The parents were allowed to take him. They didn't steal or kidnap him, they had been allowed to take him out but just didn't bring him back. The hospital isn't a prison and I really don't see why they involved the police when no crime had been committed.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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As I said on the BBC Breakfast page there seems to be something wrong with the authorities/ police force that pursues and arrest a family trying to do the best for their son where as the McCanns, who neglected their kids on a regular basis, get off with slapped hands. I know who I have sympathy for.


Jehovas witnesses = scapegoats in my opinion, I see absolutely no reason to have ever mentioned that they were in the first place as their taking Ashya away had absolutely nothing to do with that fact, they are parents that love and want whats best for their child as any other would.


The video is very interesting, unbelievable that people would not be allowed to fund a legitimate treatment for their own child, one that will not leave him brain damaged and will actually target the tumor and not the whole area, something really stinks here as far as I can see.

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If parents refuse treatment that could be life saving based purely on religious grounds, then myself and everyone else has a right to pass judgement.


But Bonzo, it would appear from what the father is saying on the video, that it's not at all about their religious beliefs, or blood transfusions at all it's about them wanting a treatment for their child, that is apparently better, safer, and will give their child a better outcome, better function, and a better quality of life.


As far as I can see, here, according to the statement from the father, the doctors seem to be throwing their weight around, and telling the parents that they must comply with the course of treatment they have decided upon, and are not permitted to question the doctors' authority, under threat of being excluded from their child's care and quite possibly from what might be the last months of their child's life. Something that would strike terror into the heart of any loving parent.


The parents have researched the allegedly safer and less damaging regime, and discussed this as an option with the doctors, and it would seem that the doctors have taken the gravest of offence to the parents' challenging them.


Now, not every doctor has this God complex. That's true, but I, personally, have encountered this trait in a couple of consultants I have dealt with in my years in nursing and as a patient. When I said to one consultant, that a particular regime was not suiting me, (a regime which was a very old fashioned, and unreliable regime, even at that time) and was it possible to look into the newer better medicines, that I knew were available, and proven to be more effective, he took umbrage.


I can perfectly understand this reaction from his parents, that they feel that they are not being listened to, and that doctors' egos are being listened to over and above their parently care, and desire for the best for their child, and that the better treatments are being ignored over the regime the doctors are hell-bent on giving.


Any parent would want the very best of outcomes for their child.

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