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Rotherham Children sexually exploited

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Woman arrested on Saturday after confronting a man she accused of "grooming, beating and pimping her, when she was a child"


"Police arrest child-sex victim for yelling at alleged abuser"


Police in Rotherham were criticised yesterday for the “thuggish and insensitive” arrest of a woman who confronted the man she has accused of grooming, beating and pimping her when she was a child.


Officers who restrained and handcuffed the 28-year-old woman last week on suspicion of a “racially aggravated offence” did not realise that specialist police hoped to interview her as a victim of serious sexual offences.


When will they get it right?



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oh look another sex case in todays star from rotherham.i dont think people will be to worried about 7 edl gettin arrested ,when the news and papers are full of pakistani grooming gangs and other pakistani sex cases.


Whilst people are totally ignoring the thousands upon thousands of other cases where the abuser is white...


It's wrong that any child should suffer any abuse at the hands of anyone, and the severest punishments available should be handed down to anyone who is convicted of abuse and grooming. (Regardless of their ethnicity or religion.)


However, the idiots like the EDL very conveniently manage to overlook the hordes of child abusers within their own ranks at the expense of justice for their victims in order to promote their hate filled agenda against those of differing races or religions.


You would think that they'd have at least cared enough about the Rolf Harris or Stuart Hall and jimmy Savile victims to have raised as much hell about THEIR plight and suffering, as they have done in the Rotherham case... But they seemed to be silent, there... I didn't see streets occupied by 1500 EDL-ers yelling "justice for the Savile 400," or "deport Rolf Harris back to where he came from!" or "No BBC child grooming gangs"

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Whilst people are totally ignoring the thousands upon thousands of other cases where the abuser is white...


It's wrong that any child should suffer any abuse at the hands of anyone, and the severest punishments available should be handed down to anyone who is convicted of abuse and grooming. (Regardless of their ethnicity or religion.)


However, the idiots like the EDL very conveniently manage to overlook the hordes of child abusers within their own ranks at the expense of justice for their victims in order to promote their hate filled agenda against those of differing races or religions.


You would think that they'd have at least cared enough about the Rolf Harris or Stuart Hall and jimmy Savile victims to have raised as much hell about THEIR plight and suffering, as they have done in the Rotherham case... But they seemed to be silent, there... I didn't see streets occupied by 1500 EDL-ers yelling "justice for the Savile 400," or "deport Rolf Harris back to where he came from!" or "No BBC child grooming gangs"


The fact that Muslim culture does not have a monopoly on sexual abuse does not mean it doesn't have more of a problem... because it does. Just as it has more of a problem with nurturing young men who become religious extremists and terrorists.


People are generally happy to let others get on with following whatever silly religious practices they choose but when those choices have a negative impact on others then they will inevitably be a negative reaction. Muslims need to address the issues to enjoy continued tolerance... and denying a problem isn't addressing the issues.

Edited by Zamo
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It seems that John Healy is supportive of the Rotherham Child Abuse inquiry:


To quote his own post on the website site


“The Times is incorrect to say I ‘opposed’ a call for an inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham back in September 2012 when the newspaper published its first story, I had an open mind but was not convinced this would help the abused girls and their families. I said this in my response to the constituent.


“My view in 2012 was, as it remains now, that the absolute priority must be action to support the victims and prosecute the perpetrators of this terrible child sexual exploitation. "


So his primary priority now and back then is to support the victims and prosecute the perpetrators (John Healys words not mine) but he didnt think that an inquiry into it would help them? the obvious question to Mr Healy is surely - What would have helped them then? It might be me but how would something that investigates a crime like NOT help the victims?

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I am wondering why the Police are getting away with this so lightly. Meredyth Hughes was Deputy Chief Constable from 2002 - 2004, then Chief Constable for 2004 - 2011. His whole career with SYP was during this outrage.


While he was Chief Constable, he was also chair with ACPO working with the Roads Policing Enforcement Technology Committee, and acting chair as something else. He also formed his own company and assisted other forces in the country in preventing motorists from pleading not guilty by threatening them with huge costs if they dare to, even though it is their right! I believe he used the phrase, "Come and get us if you think you're hard enough." or words to that effect.


Pity he spent so much time chasing motorists, and not just in South Yorkshire, but countrywide! And he was even given a CBE for doing so.


So why did he not spend some time on other crime in his own area?


Where were you when these defenseless children needed you were mr hughes?


Why is he not being asked these questions?

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I am wondering why the Police are getting away with this so lightly. Meredyth Hughes was Deputy Chief Constable from 2002 - 2004, then Chief Constable for 2004 - 2011. His whole career with SYP was during this outrage.


While he was Chief Constable, he was also chair with ACPO working with the Roads Policing Enforcement Technology Committee, and acting chair as something else. He also formed his own company and assisted other forces in the country in preventing motorists from pleading not guilty by threatening them with huge costs if they dare to, even though it is their right! I believe he used the phrase, "Come and get us if you think you're hard enough." or words to that effect.


Pity he spent so much time chasing motorists, and not just in South Yorkshire, but countrywide! And he was even given a CBE for doing so.


So why did he not spend some time on other crime in his own area?


Where were you when these defenseless children needed you were mr hughes?


Why is he not being asked these questions?


He was asked by the select committee why he took such a keen interest in motorists & not enough on Child Protection. I did notice though that quite a few of the people appearing before the select committee had letters after their names....CBE, OBE (for Joyce Thacker). Those gongs should be removed from all concerned who have been slated by the committee. They don't deserve such titles IMO

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