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Airliner possibly shot down over Ukraine

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I understand that people on here have their own personal problems, I think most of us do to one degree or another.


I normally just read posts without commenting, hence my low post count, but Bedrock consistently makes inappropriate posts.


Perhaps, if his problems are that severe he should seek professional help? He seems unable to distinguish real life tragedy from fiction.


I have no personal vitriol against him, however I do find a lot of his posts offensive when it comes to threads involving human tragedy, threads he seems unable to stay away from.



I myself certainly wouldn't like to be analysed on a public forum, so i'm not about to subject anyone else to such treatment. Pretty understandable really.


I'm just offering another perspective based on his forum history.


Btw, he regularly receives inappropriate replies to his posts, some quite personal and cutting, go have a read. I've been guilty myself in the past.

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I understand that people on here have their own personal problems, I think most of us do to one degree or another.


I normally just read posts without commenting, hence my low post count, but Bedrock consistently makes inappropriate posts.


Perhaps, if his problems are that severe he should seek professional help? He seems unable to distinguish real life tragedy from fiction.


I have no personal vitriol against him, however I do find a lot of his posts offensive when it comes to threads involving human tragedy, threads he seems unable to stay away from.


Out of your 9 posts so far about 6 of them are responses to his, is that the reason you joined ?

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Out of your 9 posts so far about 6 of them are responses to his, is that the reason you joined ?


Ah a conspiracy theorist, no it wasn't. I had no idea who he was before I joined, however I do find he "hit's my annoyance meter".


Thanks Megalithic, I will curb my posts and try to be more forgiving in future.


Back on topic, I see that the general consensus is that the the aircraft was shot down by a Russian missile, the problem now is proving it.


With the crime scene being continually eroded, and the location of the black boxes unclear, I truly hope that those who died get some sort of justice.

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It's not fact, it's one parent's opinion which appears to have been run as a story.


Yes, that's my point.


---------- Post added 20-07-2014 at 01:14 ----------


.......and a lot of people understand the use of quotation marks. But don't let that stop you regarding everyone else as morons.


The quotation marks were singularly missing from the banner headline.

And I don't regard everyone as morons, thankyou very much, but newspapers are certainly guilty of manipulating opinion. It's what they do. They no longer just report the news, they put their own spin on it.

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Russian propaganda and thinking hasn't changed in decades, I hardly think the death of a few foreigners is going to change anything. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the Russian truth, that's how it works.

The paranoid thinking will continue because invasions by Hitler and Napolean are so cemented into the social memory. The Cold War never ended and the USA is still the enemy obsessed with destroying Russia, they have been fed that one since birth and they are fed that now. It's all delusional, but it's a nation that's been bred to fear their own masters and believe that the world is out to destroy Mother Russia. It's how society is controlled in Russia.

The Kremlin with continue to feed that because that's how they keep control on the money. The fear will continue because the social memory remembers the gulags, the knock on the door and the elimination of deviant thinking.

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Agree that some of my posts can appear intensive or amusing even in the darkest threads like this but you see, I have a lot of darkness in my life and nobody knows the half of it and my threads do border on the farcical but I never mean any harm and like to see things like this in an abject manner.


Plus the forum police are that sensitive that they remove harmless banter that tries to lighten the mood, I also do not want to get involved in petty stuff in threads leading nowhere and I also like to read between the lines, something most people are incapable of doing.

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Agree that some of my posts can appear intensive or amusing even in the darkest threads like this but you see, I have a lot of darkness in my life and nobody knows the half of it and my threads do border on the farcical but I never mean any harm and like to see things like this in an abject manner.


Plus the forum police are that sensitive that they remove harmless banter that tries to lighten the mood, I also do not want to get involved in petty stuff in threads leading nowhere and I also like to read between the lines, something most people are incapable of doing.


I rarely find them amusing and I'm sure you meant 'Insensitive'.

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As Mega says BEDROCK doesn't post with malice or for effect.


If his posts lack empathy ask yourself why that would be. Its not difficult to figure out what his problems are.


I don't think that its asking too much to make allowances for someone like BEDROCK and the problems that be has.

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As Mega says BEDROCK doesn't post with malice or for effect.


If his posts lack empathy ask yourself why that would be. Its not difficult to figure out what his problems are.


I don't think that its asking too much to make allowances for someone like BEDROCK and the problems that be has.


I agree Bedders is a good lad with problems, I don't feel he means hurt, spite, or malice; cut him some slack other people & bring back Rampent:).



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Back on topic: all bodies have been taken to refrigerated train carriages by the separatists - no communication with the countries that these poor saps have come from and reports say the trains are heading to Russia.


If Putin doesn't back off this might result in a sanction. I bet he is shaking in his boots. Gutless performance from our side so far.

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