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Time to boycott Subway i think?

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I agree, I post on topic comments which counter someone elses opinion, you and a few other then resort to throwing all sorts of abuse at me because you can't support your own position, this then derails the thread which is your aim because it isn't going the way you would like it to go.


Its sad that you feel everyone should agree with you and even sadder that your only recourse when they don't, is abuse.


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 08:46 ----------



A thread about subway serving halal food will inevitably attract people that support subway and argue in favour of them, and people that don't and put forward a counter argument, with the inevitable abuse that always follows.


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 08:49 ----------



Its a deliberate attempt to discredit their opponent in any given debate, when they can't win the argument because they can't support their own stance, they always resort to this kind of tactic. I think some of them must be politicians. :)


---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 08:53 ----------



My kids went into a subways some time ago, they had used it many times before and always in the morning, so ordered sausage or bacon, one day they went in and asked for sausage and they were rudely told that it was an halal subway. They promptly left, the sensible policy for subway would be to serve both, my kids would have been more than happy to sit at a table next to Muslims eating their halal version of a bacon sandwich.

some time ago? you mean over 7 years ago?

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That's my point. He shouldn't make himself a target. And those who judge him for his religion aren't worth the time of day anyway.


Sorry, yes i know thats your point, i was agreeing with it i just worded it badly. Bang on with the second comment by the way. Anyone who judges anyone on their religion, colour, sex or what have you isnt worth peeing on if they were on fire.

I may be tempted to wazz on em if they werent on fire though lol.

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My kids went into a subways some time ago, they had used it many times before and always in the morning, so ordered sausage or bacon, one day they went in and asked for sausage and they were rudely told that it was an halal subway. They promptly left, the sensible policy for subway would be to serve both, my kids would have been more than happy to sit at a table next to Muslims eating their halal version of a bacon sandwich.


Which Subway was this? I can't find any evidence of any existing Subway changing to a halal menu, the (2007) policy only seems to involve new branches.

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Which Subway was this? I can't find any evidence of any existing Subway changing to a halal menu, the (2007) policy only seems to involve new branches.


Shhh.... don't accuse Ivanava of twisting the truth now! That doesn't fit in with the agenda!

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Which Subway was this? I can't find any evidence of any existing Subway changing to a halal menu, the (2007) policy only seems to involve new branches.


This Subway will be in never never land, where Ivanava lives.

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They're not though. They've not announced plans to convert stores to halal. The Daily Mail has only just cottoned on to the fact that they have halal outlets.


So are you saying the DM is wrong? Their article says that its been removed from 185 outlets, not that outlets have been built to be Halal from first opening.


Other news sources report the same:


Sandwiches at 185 Subway outlets in Britain and Ireland no longer come with ham or bacon




meaning they once did.


Another report states:


A Subway spokeswoman confirmed to TheBlaze Wednesday that the company has responded over the past few years to an increasingly diverse population by providing halal meats, but declined to comment directly on whether ham and bacon have been removed from the menu at select locations.


Pressed further about reports that ham and bacon have been removed completely from menus at 185 locations, the spokeswoman did not answer directly.




Two Bristol Subway stores remove pork from menus to offer halal meat only





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So why did their God tell them not to eat meat killed by Non Muslims, what does their God have against us, and by supporting their God they must feel the same about us as he felt. Their God clearly doesn't trust us or like us so there is no reason to think that Muslims feel any differently.


For the same reason the Christian God dictated how their meat, and what types of meat can be eaten, has to be slaughtered. Why aren't you up in arms that shops up and down the country, in what is supposedly a Christian country, are selling prawns for human consumption?




---------- Post added 02-05-2014 at 11:45 ----------


The Citizens Advice Bureau says that "advertising for job applicants of one religion only" is discrimination.


Do they do this though? As pointed out up thread a believer in any of the Abrahamic religions can get the job.

To spell it out for you ANYONE can apply for the job. Their application will then be assessed against the requirements of the job to determine whether they can do it. Some of those requirements would be:


1) The applicant must be a qualified slaughterman. Do you think this discriminates against unqualified applicants? If not, why not?

2) The applicant must be able to slaughter animals according to halal principles. Do you think this discriminates against people unable to slaughter to halal principles? Is so, why? (your answer MUST be compatible to that given for requirement 1).,



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