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Did anyone attend this tea-times public meeting in Page Hall?

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Councilor Harry Harpham lives in page hall in the thick of it and has done for a good number of years, he saw the problems developing and all he is bothered about is bringing landlords licencing into effect as he believes that having the council inspect and than order repairs to property is going to fix the problems.

The council already have the power to deal with the problem people but don't seem to care.

Word on the streets is that if the police and council don't sort the issue out than people are going to resort to vigilante ism and all the thugs that used to hang about in page hall before these tramps arrived are going to come out of retirement to deal with the issue as it is effecting their families.

These tramps are now robbing phones off young kids and robbing people's back yards and washing lines.

I saw about 30 of them stood near the bookies at about 10 pm tonight so the dispersal order isn't really helping as it has no teeth.

I have told the police at meeting and on the street that they need to fix up and deal with the issues instead of pussyfooting about otherwise tensions are going to boil over.


thats what happened in tinsley, the lads got together and sorted it out, all those that had grown up together from kids got their area back, those slovaks must have moved to page hall....

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thats what happened in tinsley, the lads got together and sorted it out, all those that had grown up together from kids got their area back, those slovaks must have moved to page hall....


Thats the only way this problem will get sorted........... Community action . The council and police will make the right noises but do nothing . A local solution to a local problem is the way forward , far more effective than anything the coppers can or will do.

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Thats the only way this problem will get sorted........... Community action . The council and police will make the right noises but do nothing . A local solution to a local problem is the way forward , far more effective than anything the coppers can or will do.


easiest solution is that the slovak government pay the social for their migrant workers, direct to us and we pass it on to the claimants, what is it about £40 a month over there....see how many are left here if that happens...but it won't our MPS to busy feathering their own nests, and dont live amongst these slovaks...

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easiest solution is that the slovak government pay the social for their migrant workers, direct to us and we pass it on to the claimants, what is it about £40 a month over there....see how many are left here if that happens...but it won't our MPS to busy feathering their own nests, and dont live amongst these slovaks...


The theory of the EU is that you have a freedom of movement. You are entitled to move over there if you want and claim the £40.00 per month. It beggars believe the stupidity of the politicians who didn't see this coming.


imagin if whites were sayin ther gonna sort pakistanis out in certan areas .they would be arrested just for sayin it. i dont think the slovaks will be that bothered about it . the greedy pakistani landlords have caused it so why dont they go and sort them out.


I don't think you have the same problems. Pakistanis don't cause such issues. Although its a valid point. If it was predominately white people making threats and complaining there would have been widespread condemnation.


The authorities are almost like rabbits in a headlight. Scared stupid to do anything for fear of being called racist.


---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 10:26 ----------


Janet, I'm a 40 year old British born Pakistani Muslim and I too am sick of the problems the EU free travel system is causing but believe me I know I would never vote UKIP as they are a party of Educated racists/bigots.


That's an interesting point Mafya though. I don't know if you've noticed but the area has been abandoned by the three main parties. Another thing I've noticed is that those who usually support the Pakistani community, I'm talking white, middle class, socialist types, have disappeared. They don't seem to have an opinion on the issue.

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The theory of the EU is that you have a freedom of movement. You are entitled to move over there if you want and claim the £40.00 per month. It beggars believe the stupidity of the politicians who didn't see this coming.




I don't think you have the same problems. Pakistanis don't cause such issues. Although its a valid point. If it was predominately white people making threats and complaining there would have been widespread condemnation.


The authorities are almost like rabbits in a headlight. Scared stupid to do anything for fear of being called racist.


---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 10:26 ----------



That's an interesting point Mafya though. I don't know if you've noticed but the area has been abandoned by the three main parties. Another thing I've noticed is that those who usually support the Pakistani community, I'm talking white, middle class, socialist types, have disappeared. They don't seem to have an opinion on the issue.


I am white, middle class, not a socialist, but I gave been to the area, am disgusted, and support all the residents including the Pakistani residents who are being subject to this invasion.

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That's an interesting point Mafya though. I don't know if you've noticed but the area has been abandoned by the three main parties. Another thing I've noticed is that those who usually support the Pakistani community, I'm talking white, middle class, socialist types, have disappeared. They don't seem to have an opinion on the issue.


Because white middle class socialists don't like being pointed out that their multiculturalism ideas don't always work, so would rather wipe their hands of the whole mess than actually say they got it wrong this time?

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