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Sheffield a good place to grow old in?

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depends where abouts in Sheffield you live. i live on abbeydale road and the pollution is surely shortening my life span! I didnt have any allergies until I moved here. I'm sure there are nicer areas but it's affording to live there.


If private landlords didnt charge such ridiculous admin fees on top of the bond and months rent up front, i'd have moved long ago.

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Right then... here's my 2 penneth...


A 'good place to grow old in' is surely one where you can have easy access to the kind of things you need when you are old. One of the most important considerations for all of us is going to be healthcare. Sheffield has well-respected hospitals, some of the best in the country. That's quite reassuring.


It's also good to have people around that you can call on for help and support. That might be family, but you may not be so lucky. So living in and around others, where there is a sense of belonging and community, is quite important as you get older. At least, I think it is.


I have an elderly family member who lives out in deepest darkest Derbyshire. He has a farmhouse with 18 acres of land. There are no near neighbours. The nearest one is about quarter of a mile away. The view from his window is delightful. Field upon field, hill upon hill, of grazing sheep and woodland. Access to the house is by a rough and very steep country lane - which needs a 4x4 to navigate it. The nearest shops are about 4 miles away, in Buxton. Buxton has no A&E services at the hospital.


I think this is a disastrous scenario for anyone growing old. By the same token I think that these folks who retire "to the seaside" or some other remote place where they have no friends and where there is little in terms of infrastructure are making a poor choice.


But, there are many areas of Sheffield I would not want to "grow old" in - or even be young in.


At least in Sheffield, you've got most of the things that you may need.

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The easy access to the city centre by car and public transport make life easier for those growing old in Sheffield. Plus, only having to put the bins out fortnightly is a major boon as you older.

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