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Do you work the Night shift....

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I really used to enjoy the slap up canteen meals in the middle of the night when I worked in a warehouse. Best part of the job was tucking into steak pie, chips and peas at 2am

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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  • 6 years later...

I do five mornings then four nights, eating is a strange one, it depends how busy you are. We sometimes have shifts where there's nothing to do, so we just sit in an office and its hard not to keep snacking. I usually get a sugar craving between 3 and 5am.


After years of shift work I've recently got fed up of taking sandwiches for my snap, I now just take cereal and fruit what ever shift I'm on and I feel much better for it!


It depends what work you're doing but I try not to go to work after a big meal and have something to eat before I go to bed, otherwise I get woken up because I'm hungry.


I suppose every ones different and it will take time to see what suits you best.

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Many many years ago (1965) I did 2 weeks days, 2weeks nights in a car plant.

Night shift was 9pm to 6am with overtime 6 to 7 or 7:30.

I would eat dinner at around 6pm with my wife then leave home for the 9pm start.

I had the full english breakfast at around 2am or 3am.

It took a while to get used to eating at that time of the morning:gag:

On finishing on Saturday morning I'd go to bed for 3 hours and then revert to normal day living, shopping etc and going to the cinema in the evening with my wife.That change over was the worst part.

The second week of nights would start at 9pm Monday.

Pay averaged about £21 a week.

Time and a third for nights.

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I know this thread is old but can anyone give me any tips for night shift eating? I will be doing three nights in a row 8-4am.


I've worked all shifts, earlies lates and nights, all days for the past thirty years.


I find that eating breakfast when I get up in the afternoon, and treating where my body clock is at, rather than the actual clock, as my yardstick, has kept me healthy.

For example, I will eat my 'evening meal' of curry, at 3am, go home at 6am, walk the dog then go to bed at 7.30. enough time to digest my 'evening meal'


I have friends who also work shifts who find this strange, they may go home to ceriel before bed, get up at 3pm and have their evening meal soon after, sticking to more traditional times.

To me, this would be at odds with my body clock, and I am fortunate in that I am healthier than some, so I believe my method to work!

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When I worked nights at the Morning Telegraph, it was known as the 'dead man's shift'. Life expectancy was pretty short amongst the staff ... avoid at all costs if you can.


my thoughts entirely, it is a fact, you will die younger than you should.

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