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Parson Cross Hotel - Closed Until Further Notice

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I think you'll find the reason for the Hotel's closure pretty obvious when you've seen this photograph of what goes on over there.

I took the pic myself (at considerable danger, I might add) with my Nikonblad 125mm underground lens! :)


You Sir have my full admiration , as you have risked your life by venturing deep into dangerous territory for a second time . Not content with your mercy mission to drop food parcels for the needy a while ago from the Alco-chopper, you again put your own safety at risk by bravely volunteering to investigate what is going on behind enemy lines.


Not content with risking being shot down by enemy air rifles on T`Cross during your last mission , you now risk getting stoned by flying straight into the big "Weed" cloud that hovers around the Parson Cross Hotel.


You are a a true Hero .

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I think you'll find the reason for the Hotel's closure pretty obvious when you've seen this photograph of what goes on over there.

I took the pic myself (at considerable danger, I might add) with my Nikonblad 125mm underground lens! :)


Your artwork reminds of Charles Bronson's, the (in)famous prisoner. I think it's brilliant! Now all all you need to do is spend the next 30 years behind bars and you'll be famous.


I am honestly being serious about your art by the way. Keep it up.

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I agree but the travelator is the wrong way round and he's missed out the roundabout.

I think you'll find that the magnetic staircase is multi-directional. This makes a quick get-away to Doe Royd Crescent or Deerlands Avenue take the same amount of time. :)

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Your artwork reminds of Charles Bronson's, the (in)famous prisoner. I think it's brilliant! Now all all you need to do is spend the next 30 years behind bars and you'll be famous.


I am honestly being serious about your art by the way. Keep it up.


I have the creativity knows no bounds. I've seen lowry paintings and they are crap yet he is famous. Yours are actually much better and have more humour I'd be happy to have that on my wall. Keep it up.

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Another sterling decision made by the police not. Do they not understand criminials are easier to monitor if they are all in one place. Thats why I couldnt understand why they closed the cannon pub in Sheffield. What will happen now is these 'people' will dispers to other drinking holes and spoil it for others. Good thinking South Yorkshire coppers.


thats ok stating that, if you dont live around the area, i live near this eyesore, and think it should be pulled down let the low lifes desperse elsewhere, maybe on your doorstep then lets see how much you want these people kept together for easy monitoring, this public house has lived its life get rid of it replace it with a medical centre or something else worth while.

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