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About Eric_Collins

  • Birthday 11/10/1976

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  • Location
    Parson Cross
  • Interests
    1:6th/1:1 Army & The Blades
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  1. they went to the extreme of stealing bins on a bin day and filling them with rubbish , they then erected a 6ft fence in front of them to hide them between the rear boundary wall. I mean to go to all that much trouble and cost for a fence they could have paid the council to collect them , it staggers belief.
  2. First post for a while. I'm gonna leave things vague as I want advice on where to take this official I'm involved with someone ( not relationship wise ) who are very dirty folk. They are disposing ( throwing out of window which bursts on impact ) domestic rubbish ( food , beer cans , sanitary products etc... ) out of the rear bedroom window in garden waste sacks , this now has reached about 45 of them over several months. As you can imagine it's like Ritz hotel for every rat for miles. The folk are council tenants and have reported this to they fly tipping with Sheffield council but it's been 8 months and still happening so they are not following it up. Where do I turn or go with this , I have looked on SCC website and I can't seem to find anything other than fly tipping or ASBO but ASBO seems to refer to incidents that need a crime number Any help with this would be cracking.
  3. Don't worry it's Van Dam , he has his own helicopter he flies to JobLot on Barnsley Road as he loves the bargains in side.
  4. If you want to get council to see you quicker just get the council to park a van on a grass verge and they write you a letter demanding you pay for them whole streets damage. Then contact Sheffield star with the photo said photo and the council vans on said drive with council skip in for good measure, they pretty much phone you same day. that’s what happened to me when the whole street was having new roof repairs.
  5. Any News on stock levels of milk and bread at AsDa S5 please , will 10L and 8 loafs last till Monday ?????
  6. M1 between Jk34 MeadowHell and Jk35 north bound and those morons who thinks it's acceptable to drive at 30mph. The amount of times I filter down from viaduct from 70mph to come off at jk35 and some prat is there doing 30 and you have to do a near emergency stop. It's the old dears or Meadowhall shoppers who are scared to death of going over 30 as they have never been on the motorway as its too dangerous , its driving at 30 on a 70 that makes the motorway dangerous.
  7. You'll find its usually one person/family causing the majority for example. This time last year my war was wrote off while parked up by family X I'll call them for arguments sake. Family X 4x over drink drive limit , ran off and claimed car stolen so that's 3 incidents one incident ( drink driving , hit and run, stolen vehicle). Then 3 months later family X running around the streets with knives while trying to stab rival gang who brought guns, this resulted in all of family X being taken away by about 20 armed officers in a 2hr stand off. Then couple of months after that family X car then got smashed up by people unknown and the car that hit it set on fire a little down the road. Thats one family causing maybe 10 police logs in one year and all pretty high crime offences.
  8. Nope , Microtainer contact-activated lancet boxes we have to pack for NHS for after-hours homework.
  9. Don't forget apple now kill non apple fingerprint scanners with software.
  10. I think most men today have boycotted razors for a very long time.
  11. I think its a size of the family thing , I know if you have 4 adults in one address you are allowed one of the large bins . It could be they have 2 because of that ?
  12. 100% , we tried 3 collections in a row and was left at the side of the empty bin even when the box was placed on the bin lid..
  13. I can add to this as this issue has happened to me. The blue boxes were good and you could fill with cardboard and ask for another and they would give you one , you could even stack cardboard neatly and they would take it. Now since we got a blue bin that is far smaller in size than the old blue boxes we can't get as much in. You put the extra cardboard out as before all stacked nice and neat and they now won't take it.. What options are you then left with ??? I now have to burn the excess card that won't be collected by the council. I did leave it for ages in the old blue boxes and put bits in as and when I could but this started to attract vermin living in the boxes. I have no other choice than to burn what they won't take and I can't store because of the rats. Its burnt in a steel bin and controlled which happens 2 times a week , when we had the blue boxes we didn't burn not a once.
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